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                                                                                                              In addition, eight prayer rooms and two waiting rooms are   Dubai Campus
        AN                                                                                                    located throughout the campus for student convenience.   Dubai is well known for its warm hospitality and rich cultural

                                                                                                              Al Ain Campus
                                                                                                                                                           heritage, and the Emirati people are welcoming and generous
        OVERVIEW                                                                                              Al Ain is the home city of the former President, H.H. Sheikh   in their approach to visitors. With year- round sunshine,
                                                                                                                                                           intriguing deserts, beautiful beaches, luxurious hotels and
                                                                                                              Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, God Bless His Soul and is an oasis
                                                                                                                                                           shopping malls, fascinating heritage attractions and a thriving
                                                                                                              in the high desert of the Emirate. It is often referred to as the
                                                                                                                                                           business community, Dubai receives millions of leisure and
                                                                                                              Garden City of the Emirates. Al Ain is renowned both for its
                                                                                                              architecture and its tree-lined boulevards in the shadow of the   business visitors each year from around the world.
                                                                                                                                                           The past few decades have witnessed incredible growth
        Why Choose Abu Dhabi University?             Give it some thought. If you choose Abu Dhabi University   surrounding mountains.                     throughout all sectors of the Dubai economy. The Emirate’s
                                                     for your higher education, we will grow with you in the years   Abu Dhabi University’s Al Ain campus enjoys all the modern   government is constantly working to improve its commercial
        With a broad range of colleges and universities from which   ahead as we add more programs and facilities, and enhance   facilities  to  cater  to  the  higher  educational  needs  of  the   transparency and introduce dynamic regulations that aid the
        to select, one might rightly ask, why choose Abu Dhabi   our already broad and fully accredited curriculum of degree   community. Since its opening in 2003, the campus has   formation of small and medium enterprises.
        University?                                  offerings.                                               grown substantially, both in faculty and students. Today, the
        Every student and parent wants to make the best investment   Abu Dhabi University is not just books and classrooms: Abu   campus is home to more than 80 faculty and staff and around   Abu Dhabi University’s campus in Dubai offers Master and
                                                                                                                                                           Doctorate degree programs carefully selected to cater to the
        of their time and money when selecting an institution at which   Dhabi University will be the educational, cultural, social, and   1,500 registered students, representing 40 nationalities.   needs of professionals working in the business communities,
        to study and to earn a degree.               technological nexus of the emerging Arabian Gulf community.   H.H. Sheikh Tahnoun bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi   construction and engineering industries, finance and banking
                                                     Come and be a part of the vision: be one of the best in the   Ruler’s Representative in Al Ain Region witnessed the opening
        At Abu Dhabi University, we want you to make the right   UAE, the Gulf region and the world!          of the new campus, on April 9th, 2022 which bears the name   sectors, health and education institutions, management and
        choices for your life, your career and your education, both for                                       of “Tahnoun bin Mohammed”.                   legal firms.
        today and for the future!                    Campus Locations and Descriptions                        The design of the new campus is inspired by the Ghaf tree,   Our teaching faculty are graduates with advanced degrees
        We believe in the vision that our founders planned for Abu                                            which has an environmental, heritage, and historical heritage   from top higher education institutions, with outstanding
        Dhabi University, to be one of the premier universities in the   Abu Dhabi Campus                     in our society, which doubles the privacy and environmental   academic, research, and industrial experiences. Our teaching
        UAE, the Arabian Gulf region and the world, and have already                                          distinction of this campus at the regional and global levels,   facilities are equipped with the latest instructional tools,
        begun to establish the University as a superior-quality center   Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, is the largest city in the   and it matches the criteria of “sustainability” evaluating the   supported by laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art
        of higher learning here in the heart of the UAE.  country and boasts some of the finest parks in the Middle   degree of “one pearl”, and it was implemented according to     audio-visual technologies, and well maintained by a highly
                                                     East.                                                    the best engineering standards that make it a unique scientific   qualified team of technical staff. Our library is rich with
        Abu Dhabi University blends the finest traditions of the                                              edifice, and an oasis of creativity, innovation, and leadership   academic  and  technical  references  to  help  our  graduate
        UAE with modern, fast-paced, technologically-embedded   The  city cultivates vibrant  commercial  and government   for the next fifty, the construction area is 28 thousand square   students in their academic and research work, and is
        educational methods gleaned from higher education systems   sectors and is located on a large island just off the mainland   meters for the first phase. The building includes more than 70   electronically linked to local and international libraries.
        around the world.                            of the Abu Dhabi Emirate.                                classrooms and laboratories that adopt modern educational   Our administrative and financial team members are friendly,
        Abu Dhabi University can be the right institution for you if you   Abu Dhabi University offers you an unparalleled learning   methods, provide open spaces, and encourage cooperation   warm, and dedicated to support students from admission to
        are seeking a university that is:            experience in a state-of-the art educational environment.   and partnership among students, in addition to 137 offices   graduation. Extra-curricular activities are encouraged within
                                                     The University prides itself on its dedicated faculty members   for faculty and administrative staff. The campus is equipped   the campus and externally, as are sports and social activities.
        •   New, clearly focused, career-oriented, and aspiring to be   and guarantees relevant content that is geared to an ever-  with an Innovation Center, an Academic Success Center,
            one of the best;                         changing and demanding globalized business world. In     multi-purpose halls, and an array of comprehensive service   Dubai  Campus  is  strategically  located  in  the  heart  of  the
        •   Multinational in its perspective, faculty, staff, and student   addition, Abu Dhabi University campuses offer students an   facilities, including a gym, aerobics room, games room, café,   knowledge village with accessibility to public transportation
            body;                                    unrivalled learning environment. Harvard-style lecture rooms   restaurant lobby, club hall, meeting room, indoor playground,   and surrounded by a variety of top companies, banks, shops,
                                                                                                                                                           restaurants, natural views and small parks.
        •   International in that it embodies the best of the Arab,   equipped with the latest educational technology ensure that   and medical clinic. Furthermore, it houses a 900-square-
                                                                                                              meter library complete with a reading area, book store,
                                                     lectures are interactive and stimulate team discussion and
            American and British education systems;  sharing of experience. Wireless internet connection and   discussion rooms, and a student council, all adhering to the
        •   Ready to build your English language skills;  computer labs throughout the campus complex provide   highest international standards, to cater to the students’
                                                     students with convenient access to the latest technology   academic needs and provide top-notch scientific facilities and
        •   Able to develop your quantitative and analytic abilities
                                                     and the internet. In Abu Dhabi University, you will find a   equipment.
        •   Prepared to build your technical knowledge and   comprehensive library and easy access to databases with the
            qualifications for your chosen career;   financial data of hundreds of companies in the UAE, GCC and   Our students have the key facilities at their disposal that will
                                                                                                              provide them with all the educational necessities that make
        •   Concerned about your interpersonal social skills for life   many other different countries.       for an effective teaching and enjoyable learning environment.
            in an international community;           Abu  Dhabi  University  also  offers  students  the  opportunity
        •   Student-learner  focused, where  market-driven theory   to stay on campus in an apartment–style dormitories which
            and practice are merged; and             create  an  environment  that  fosters  optimal  learning  and
        •   Committed to being the best it can be, and a place   comfort, with eight different food outlets in the cafeteria area
                                                     that cater to all tastes. At Abu Dhabi University, you will find
            where students excel.                    the perfect combination of academic excellence and world-
                                                     class facilities.

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024                                             Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024
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