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        Abu Dhabi University (ADU) was chartered as a private   Abu Dhabi University first and foremost is an institution   Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, the global   WASC (Western Association of Schools and
        institution of higher learning in the year 2003  under the   where teaching and learning are paramount. Faculty that   accreditor of college and university programs in applied and   College, USA) Accreditation
        patronage of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan,   are hired are of international status and they enhance the   natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering
        Ruler’s Representative in Al Dhafra Region and President   active learning of Abu Dhabi University students, preparing   technology.               In 2016, Abu Dhabi University was granted full accreditation
        of ADU’s Board of Regents Members. Abu Dhabi University   them for the various career challenges of the UAE and of                                 status by the Commission for Senior Colleges and
        currently serves over 7,577 students from over 80 different   the global economy. Scholarship and research are valued   ABET accreditation assures that programs meet standards   Universities of the Western Association of Schools
        nationalities at three campuses, in Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi,   because they bring an intrinsic value to the institution and   to produce graduates ready to enter critical technical   and Colleges (WASC). WASC is one of the six official
        in Al Ain and Knowledge Park, Dubai.         the degree programs in which students are studying. The   fields that are leading the way in innovation and emerging   academic bodies in the United States, responsible for the
                                                     active research role of ADU faculty allows them to remain   technologies, and anticipating the welfare and safety needs   accreditation of public and private universities and colleges,
        Abu Dhabi University consists of five Colleges: the College   current  in pedagogy  and in  their  field  of expertise,  thus   of the public.     secondary and elementary schools, and foreign institutions
        of Arts and Sciences (CAS), the College of Business (COB),   enhancing classroom experience with the most recent                                   of American origin.
        the College of Engineering (COE), the College of Health   developments in scientific and technological fields. Service   RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects)
        Sciences  (CHS)  and  the  College  of  Law  (COL).  Education   to the University and the community are part of the   Accreditation               ADU is the only private university in the Middle East to have
        at ADU follows the American university  system, with the   responsibility of all in the academic community in support                              achieved the distinction of WASC accreditation.
        language of instruction normally being English with Arabic   of the overall mission of the University to promote the   Abu Dhabi University’s Bachelor of Architecture program is   In  2022,  following  a  stringent  and  comprehensive
        in a few cases and its degree programs are open to students   welfare of the UAE and its  people.     accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects ( RIBA),   reaccreditation review process, the Commission recognized
        of all nationalities.                                                                                 making it the first and only program in the UAE to receive   ADU for its outstanding quality and confirmed reaccreditation
                                                                                                              this accreditation.                          for a full 10 years, an achievement reflective of WASC’s
        Abu Dhabi University Philosophy              Institutional Licensure and                              RIBA accreditation is one of the highest accolades awarded   confidence in ADU and in the high caliber of its programs.
                                                                                                              to an architecture program, and is based on the assurance
        The founders of Abu Dhabi University and its Board of   Program Accreditation                         of international quality standards in architectural education.   International Air Transport Association (IATA,
        Regents members strongly believe that the UAE society is   Any institution located in the UAE that issues academic                                 Canada); Authorized Training Center (ATC)
        in need of a first class, internationally-recognized, private   degrees, certificates, or diplomas must be licensed and   AACSB (USA) & EQUIS (European) Accreditation   Accreditation
        university that will contribute to advancing the social,   have its programs accredited in order to be officially
        educational, cultural and economic interests of the nation.   recognized by the UAE Ministry of Education. Abu Dhabi   The College of Business at Abu Dhabi University is accredited   ADU has received the accreditation as an Authorized
        As such, ADU aims to promote the well-being of the country   University  obtained institutional  accreditation from the   by both the US-based AACSB and the EU-based EQUIS for   Training Center (ATC) on the 29th August 2019 from the
        through the education of its citizens and others who wish to   UAE’s Ministry of Education in 2003. The University and   all of its Bachelors, Masters,  and Doctoral programs in   International Air Transport Association (IATA). This refers in
        take advantage of the offerings available at the University.  all its programs are accredited and approved by the UAE   Business. Only 1% of business schools worldwide have this   particular to the Department of Aviation.
                                                                                                              double accreditation.
        Abu Dhabi University is an  institution of higher education   Ministry of Education.                                                               IATA was founded in 1945 and currently has 299 airlines
        that is run in a business-like manner to ensure maximum                                                                                            as members (as of April 2020). IATA is the prime facilitator
        efficiency of operation. It is a UAE institution utilizing the  International Accreditation           APHEA (Agency for Public Health Education    for inter-airline co-operation in promoting safe, reliable,
        best of the American, British and Arab models of higher                                               Accreditation (APHEA)                        secure  and  economical  air  services  for  the  benefit  of
        education while operating in a multicultural Arab country.   In addition to its UAE accreditation, Abu Dhabi University has   Abu Dhabi University’s Bachelor of Science in Public Health   the  world’s  consumers.  IATA  diplomas  and  certificates
        ADU is a comprehensive institution, where scholarship   been committed to obtaining accreditation by international   program is accredited by Agency of Public Health Education   guarantee high standards of training and have gained
        and applied research are valued for their promotion of the   university-accrediting bodies.           Accreditation (APHEA).                       worldwide recognition and acceptance as a quality product
        economic and social welfare of the UAE, as well as for their   ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and                                       by the world’s airlines and industry associations. These are
        role in providing the most up to date knowledge and modern   Technology, USA) Accreditation           APHEA Accreditation is aimed at supporting the continued   important qualifications for anyone wishing to upgrade his/
        tools to the student body. The language of instruction in                                             amelioration of education and training for public health   her professional competence or start a career in the travel,
        the courses at ADU is English, with the exception of the Law   Abu Dhabi University’s Bachelor’s degree programs   workforces throughout the world by providing an   cargo or aviation industry.
        Postgraduate and a few other programs.       in Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical   international and transparent quality recognition.
        Admission is open to students of all nationalities that qualify,   Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Mechanical
        and is based on academic ability and interest in a field of   Engineering have been accredited by the Engineering
                                                     Accreditation Commission of ABET, and its Bachelor’s
        study in the context of the philosophy, vision, core values,
        mission, strategic goals, and objectives of the institution.  degree program in Information Technology by the

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024                                             Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024
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