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        purposes of assessments and target knowledge mastery   Assessment Methods                             3.    The role of the department chair/program  director/  Office of the Registrar will be responsible for maintaining
        as well as higher order thinking skills and abilities.  In sum,                                       coordinator is:                              appropriate storage. Deans, Chairs of Departments and
        excellence in assessment is integral to achieving excellence   Accurate and sound assessment requires that a variety                               faculty will have read-only access to these records.
        in teaching and learning, which is in harmony with ADU   of appropriate assessment methods be used and aligned   •   to collaborate with faculty members in developing
        vision and mission.                          with the intended learning outcomes.  There are generally    assessment guidelines and procedures that are   Back up files will be updated regularly, with another set of
                                                     two main assessment methods: traditional and alternative/    appropriate to their major fields;       files stored in an external and secure location in fire proof
        Definition                                   authentic. The former includes tools such as paper-and-  •   to ensure that faculty members implement these   cabinets.
                                                     pencil tests and exams while the latter includes tools similar
        Assessment is the gathering of evidence of student   to  performance  tasks,  essays,  presentations,  projects,   guidelines and procedures;
        learning and achievement to guide instructional decisions   practical work, case studies, reports, portfolios.  The choice   •   to ensure that faculty members inform students     Academic Standing
        and aid student learning.                    among these tools depends on the discipline, the nature         of assessment criteria;               If the student’s CGPA drops below 2.0 after completing at
        Purposes of Assessment                       of the individual course as well as the intended learning   •   to review assessment methods and criteria; and  least 30 credit hours, he/she will be placed on academic
                                                     outcomes.                                                                                             probation in the following semesters until the student’s
        Assessment serves multiple purposes. It provides feedback                                             •   to ensure that assessment results are used for   CGPA improves to 2.0 or higher. As long as the student
        to the two main immediate users of assessment information   The following are the assessment tools that ADU faculty   continuous improvement of learning and instruction  remains on probation, he or she will be limited to 12 credit
        or results: students and faculty.            members can choose from in assessing their student                                                    hours in course credits per semester. Any student who is
                                                     performance and achievement:                             4.     The role of faculty members is:       under academic probation is allowed to change major only
        •   Students receive relevant feedback on their     •   Tests and exams                                                                            once.
            performance and how to improve it, and instructors                                                •   to inform students at the beginning of the semester of
            receive feedback on their strategies of instructional   •   Assignments/homework                      the assessment methods and criteria that will be used   If at the end of the Spring semester in the following
            delivery.  Moreover, assessment results help students   •   Projects                                  in assessing their performance and achievement;  academic year the student’s CGPA remains below 2.0,
            to reflect on their learning experience, to adjust their                                          •    to provide students with feedback on their   the student will be dismissed from the university and will
            learning strategies and skills, and to identify where   •   Reports                                   performance and how it can be improved. Effective   become eligible to apply for re-admission to the university
            they need help.                          •   Presentations                                            feedback should be provided in a timely and   as specified in the re-admission policy.
        •   Faculty receive feedback which helps them to reflect   •   Essays                                     constructive manner and includes both comments
                                                                                                                  and grades.
            on their instructional strategies, to make necessary   •   Papers                                                                              Student Attendance Policy
            adjustments, to track student progress, and to identify
            which students need extra help.          •   Case studies                                         Late Submission Coursework                   When the student’s absence in a given course reaches or
                                                                                                                                                           exceeds 30%, he/she will be withdrawn from the course.
                                                     •   Exhibitions                                          The due date for each class assignment or project should
        Assessment Types                                                                                                                                   Absences will not be waived under any circumstances.
                                                     •   Portfolios                                           be clearly indicated to the students in the course outline.
        There are three major types of assessment: diagnostic,                                                                                             Students will be considered absent if they do not arrive on
        summative and formative.                     •   Self-assessment                                      Assignments received more than two weeks after the due   time for a lesson. Taking attendance will start on the first
                                                                                                              date should not be accepted.
                                                     •   Capstone course or graduation project                                                             day of classes and will continue until the last day of classes
        •  Diagnostic assessment is usually conducted at the                                                  1.   Submission dates may be extended in exceptional   in the semester.
        beginning of the semester and is used to identify student   •   Performance through observing and judging  circumstances. The College or Instructor may use their
        strengths and weaknesses. It provides information that                                                    discretion in approving such requests. Submission of   Warnings will be posted on the Abu Dhabi University
        can help both students and instructors to build on the   Roles and Responsibilities                       the coursework should not normally exceed the last   Student Portal when a student’s absence reaches 10%
        strengths and remedy the weaknesses.         The task of achieving excellence in assessment requires      day of classes.                          and 20%. At the 30% absence limit, a withdrawal due to
        •   Summative assessment, on the other hand, is usually   collaboration among four parties: the Manager of the Center   2.   Assignments or projects can be turned in any time up   absence (WA) will be posted on the Abu Dhabi University
                                                                                                                                                           Student Portal.
        carried out at the end of the semester and is used   for Faculty Development, College Deans, Department   to two weeks after the due date will be graded, but a
        to determine the extent to which the students have   Chairs/Program Directors, Faculty and Students.      penalty may be applied.                  All attendance rules and requirements apply equally to
        achieved the course learning objectives or outcomes   1.   The role of the Director of the Center for Faculty            a.     Assignments submitted at any time up to one    courses delivered in both face-to-face mode and e-learning/
        (grading  function).  It  helps  instructors  make  decisions   Development is to plan faculty development activities on      week after the due date should have the grade      hybrid delivery modes. Students should connect at the start
        and judgments for purposes of student promotion and/or   student assessment, such as workshops and seminars.     awarded reduced by 2% for each calendar   of the session and should remain connected, with adequate
        graduation. Final exams and projects, among other forms,                                                     day the assignment is late.           engagement and participation for a minimum of 75% of
        serve this purpose.                          2.     The role of the College Dean is:                                                               the session duration. If technical difficulties or exceptional
                                                                                                                       b.    Assignments submitted more than one week but    circumstances prevent the student from complying with
        •  Formative assessment, in contrast to summative   •   to ensure that colleges have their own discipline-     not more than two weeks after the due date   the attendance rule, the student should send an email
        assessment, is conducted throughout the semester and   specific assessment guidelines and procedures         should have the  grade reduced by 5% for each   to the faculty member no later than 24 hours after the
        is used to enhance the learning and teaching process.   that are consistent with ADU Student Assessment      calendar day the assignment is late.  session, including any relevant proofs or explanation.
        Information  provided  by  this  ongoing assessment  helps   guidelines;                                                                           Further details regarding application of attendance policy
        students improve their study skills, learning strategies and   •   to ensure that these guidelines and procedures are   Student Archives           to e-learning courses is provided in the Distance Learning
        achievement, thus support ongoing student progress, and                                                                                            Procedural Guidelines.
        helps instructors diagnose and respond to student needs   periodically reviewed; and                  The final course result at the end of the semester will
        (development and improvement function).      •   to ensure that departments use assessment results    remain in Abu Dhabi University’s records in perpetuity. The   The Registrar’s Office  will accept excuses  only from
                                                         for program improvement.                                                                          students missing an exam/major assignment due to

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024                                              Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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