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 ACC 201  Principles of Managerial Accounting  3  ACC 200 + BUS 102  Fourth Year (Senior)
 ECO 202  Principles of Macroeconomics  3  ENG 200 + ( MTG 100 or  MTT 101 or MTT 102)   Code  Title  Credit  Prerequisite(s)
 + BUS 102
 Spring              MGT 321  Change Management           3                 MGT 255
 FIN 200  Principles of Finance  3  ACC 200
 (Semester 4)  Fall   MGT 411  Project Management         3            Co-requisite of BUS 306
 MKT 200  Principles of Marketing  3  ENG 200
         (Semester 7)  CE-2  Concentration Elective       3                    -
 MGT 255  Management and Organizational   3  ENG 200
 Behavior            ELECT-3  Free Elective               3                    -
 Total Credit Hours  15  Total Credit Hours               12
                     MGT 406  Strategic Management        3              Last Semester only
 Third Year (Junior)  MGT 402   International Business Management  3    MGT 255 + ECO 202
 Code  Title  Credit  Prerequisite(s)  Spring   MGT  422  Management and  Leadership   3  MGT 255
 FWS 201  Fundamentals of Life Skills  3  FWS 100  (Semester 8)  Development
                     MGT 399  Internship/Project in Management  3         Consent of Dept.
 Technical Communication for Work
 FWS 305  3  ENG 200 + Completion of 45 CH
 Fall   Place        ELECT-4  Free Electives              3                    -
 (Semester 5)  ELECT-2  Free Electives  3  -  Total Credit Hours  15
 MGT 308  Operations Management  3  MGT 255 + MIS 200 +  co-requisite BUS 204
 HRM 313  Human Resource Management  3  MGT 255
 Total Credit Hours  15
 Fundamentals of Innovation and
 FWS 310  3  ENG 200 + Completion of 60 CH
 BUS 301  Business Law  3  FWS 305
 BUS 306  Applied  Management Science  3  STT 100 + ECO 201 +  MGT 255
 (Semester 6)
 INE 344  Innovation within Entrepreneurial   3  Co-requisite of FWS310
 CE-1  Concentration Elective  3  -
 Total Credit Hours  15
 Students will be expected to either complete a three (3) credit internship course (MGT 399-I) during their last senior year of
 study or take a project course (MGT 399-P) during their last semester. Three (3) credits are awarded for MGT 399 I/P.

 Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024  Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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