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                     FWS 201  Fundamentals of Life Skills  3                FWS 100                           BACHELOR OF
                     BUS 306  Applied Management Science  3          STT 100 + ECO 201 + MGT 255
            Spring   BUS 301  Business Law                3                 FWS 305                           BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
          (Semester 6)  FWS 310  Fundamentals of Innovation and   3      ENG 200 + 60 CH
                             Entrepreneurship                                                                 WITH CONCENTRATION IN MANAGEMENT
                       BUS   ACC/FIN Electives            3                    -
                        Total Credit Hours                15
        Students will be expected to either complete a three (3) credit Summer internship course (MGT or MKT 399-I) during
        their last senior year of study or take a project course (MGT or MKT 399-P) during their last semester. Three (3) credits
        are awarded for MGT or MKT 399 I/P
                                            Fourth Year (Senior)

                      Code              Title           Credit           Prerequisite(s)
                     ELECT-4                              3                    -
             Fall    MGT 411  Project Management          3            Co-requisite of BUS 306
          (Semester 7)  ELECT-2  Open Electives           3                    -
                     ELECT-2  MKT Electives               3                    -
                         Total Credit Hours               12
                     MGT 406  Strategic Management        3              Last Semester only
                     ELECT-3  HRM/MGT Electives           3                    -
          (Semester 8)  ELECT-3  Open Electives           3                    -                              Introduction                                 Learning Outcomes
                      XXX399  Internship/Project          3              Consent of Dept.                     The Management Concentration prepares its graduates   BBA with concentration in Management graduates should
                                                                                                              for professional managerial positions in large and/or small,   be able to:
                     MGT 402  International Business Management  3      MGT 255 + ECO 202                     profit or non-profit organizations.          1.   Evaluate the business functional areas of
                        Total Credit Hours                15                                                  “Managers are outgoing creative people who have the   organizations.
                                                                                                              ability to motivate and guide dozens or even hundreds of
                                                                                                              individuals in the same overall direction for the attainment   2.   Perform managerial tasks in local and international
                                                                                                              of desired goals.”                               organizations.
                                                                                                              The BBA program with concentration  in Management is   3.   Analyze the impact of individual and group behaviors,
                                                                                                              designed to fulfill this statement. It will strive to produce   leadership and ethical issues on sustainable
                                                                                                              business graduates that will possess the right qualities   organizational performance.
                                                                                                              and educational capabilities to excel in today’s complex
                                                                                                              business environment.

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024                                              Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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