Page 98 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 98


            from the proximity of students.          5.   Collect examination papers from students, one-by-
        2.   Remind students that any violations of the AIP will
            result in the ejection of students from the examination   6.   Account for the total number of exam copies by
            room.                                        counting completed exam papers, match the numbers
                                                         against the number of students  on the “Attendance
        3.   Instruct students to read and sign the “Warning   Sign-Up Sheet”, and the head count.
            Section” on the top of the Exam Cover Sheet.
                                                     7.   Validate the completeness of total copies of the exam
        4.   Circulate exam’s “Attendance Sign-Up Sheet” to collect   (i.e., exams taken plus excess copies should be equal
            students’ signatures.                        to the number of copies originally received).
        5.   Prevent students to enter the examination room after   8.   Contact the IT staff to secure the lab for the lab-based
            30 minutes from the start of the exam. In these cases,   examinations.
            the Non-Admitted Late Comers Notification Form
            should be completed and submitted to the OAI.   9.   Remind students to collect their personal belongings.

        6.   Prevent students to leave the examination room prior   10.  Handover any items left behind by students to the
            to 40 minutes from the start of the exam.    Security Officer or the OAI Representative.
        7.   Prohibit use of any unauthorized materials or
            resources unless specifically allowed by the instructors.

        8.   Monitor students to ensure they are focused on
            completing the examination.
        9.   Maintain a physical presence at all times by walking
            around and paying close attention to students’
            behavior and conduct.
        10.  Monitor students’ conduct while on emergency break
            (e.g., using the restrooms).
        11.  Enforce the following exam-taking rules:

            a.   No talking between and among students,
            b.   No answering of questions by students or
            c.   No exchanges of any kind of materials
                     between and among students, and

            d.   No change of seats unless for valid reasons and
               with the consent of the proctor.
        C.     After Examination
        1.   Finish the examination on time and orderly.

        2.   Secure the completed examination papers.
        3.   Deliver completed exams to the representative of the
            college or the roving proctor.
        4.   Ensure students remain seated until the proctor
            collects the examination papers.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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