Page 97 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 97


        IV.  Types of Proctors                           time of the examination on the whiteboard (e.g.,
                                                         exam duration  two (2) hours,  starting time 09:00
        •   Proctor – the person responsible for monitoring exam-  a.m., and finishing time 11:00 a.m.), and adjust the
            taking activities to ensure compliance with applicable   finishing time, if necessary (e.g., exams starting with
            rules and procedures.                        some delays  require finishing time to be extended to
                                                         compensate for the delay).
        •   Roving proctor – the person representing the
            college and responsible for all examinations in any   11.    Start the exam.
            given examination time slot. The roving proctor is
            responsible for overseeing the activities of all proctors   B.      During Examination
            and addressing any issues of concern.
                                                     1.   Preventing conducts that are violations of the
        V.  Assigning Proctors                           provisions of the AIP (e.g., cheating), and
                                                     2.   Detecting acts of violations of the provisions of the AIP
        The scheduling of final examinations is the responsibility of   (e.g., catching cheating activities).
        the Office of the Registrar.   The responsibility of the OAI is
        the assignment of proctors, which is done in collaboration   Prevention - The continuous vigilance and engagement
        with the colleges.                           of proctors are the two necessary conditions to prevent
        VI.  Proctoring Duties
                                                     Detection of Violations – In instances where direct evidence
        A.     Pre Examination                       of violations exists (e.g., students using and/or possessing
                                                     handwritten or electronically stored course related
        1.   Be available in the examination rooms 20 minutes   materials), the proctor should take the following actions:
            and rearrange the chairs to create physical separation
            between students.                        1.   Approach the student.

        2.   Review each examination information sheet for special   2.   Collect the Student ID and the examination papers.
            requirements requested by the instructor.
                                                     3.   Secure the evidence of violation such as handwritten
        3.   Allow students into the examination room ten (10)   notes or electronic devices.
            minutes before the exam time.
                                                     4.   Notify the instructor of the course or the roving
        4.   Ensure random seating of students as they enter the   proctor.
            classroom and take-up seats.
                                                     5.   Complete and submit to the OAI the Exam Violation
        5.   Request each student to display valid Student ID   Documentation Form along with the evidence
            (other valid IDs with photo such as driving license may   of cheating (e.g., notes, mobile phones, or other
            be acceptable).                              electronic devices).

        6.   Instruct students to put away all unauthorized   6.   Notify the roving proctor and/or the representative of
            materials, including mobile phones  and  other   the OAI, in cases of non-cooperating students.
            electronic devices in front of the examination room
            and away from where they are seated.     In instances where the violations of the AIP is suspected,
                                                     but no direct evidence is observed, students should be
        7.   Review with students major items that constitute   allowed to complete the exam. However, once the exam
            cheating (e.g. speaking, exchanging information,   is completed, students’ exam papers should be marked
            accessing unauthorized materials such  as mobile   as “suspected case of cheating,” the instructor of the
            phones, etc).                            course notified, the Exam Violation Documentation Form
                                                     completed, and the case referred to the OAI.
        8.   Ensure each student receives the correct version of
            the exam.                                In addition to the above broad guidelines, proctors need
                                                     to follow  specific rules during  examinations, as  outlined
        9.   Place the examination papers in front of students,   below:
            faced-down, and one-by-one.
                                                     1.   Ensure unauthorized electronic devices are kept away
        10.  Announce the start of the examination, write the

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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