Page 68 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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        Fees Structure - AED

         Postgraduate Tuition and Fees               Frequency
                                                                               Abu Dhabi   Al Ain
         College Arts and Science
           Professional Post-Graduate Diploma in Teaching  Per credit hour        990      990
           Master of Education in Leadership         Per credit hour              2940    2940
           Master of Science in Special Education    Per credit hour              2940    2940
         College of Business
           Master of Business Administration         Per credit hour              2940    2940
           Master of Human Resources Management      Per credit hour              2840    2840
           Doctor of Business Administration         Per credit hour              4620      -
           Master of Science in Finance              Per credit hour              2940      -
         College of Engineering
           Master of Engineering Management          Per credit hour              2940    2940
           Master of Science in Computer Science     Per credit hour              2835      -
           Master of Project Management              Per credit hour              2940      -
           Master of Civil Engineering               Per credit hour              2835      -
           Master of Science in Information Technology  Per credit hour           2835      -
           Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering  Per credit hour  2835  -
           Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering  Per credit hour  2835  -
           Master of Science in Sustainable Architecture  Per credit hour         2835      -
           Guided Reading Course                     Per credit hour              2100      -
         College of Law
           Master of Law                             Per credit hour              2970    2970
         Admission Fee Admission Fee
         Admission Application - (Non-Refundable)    One Time                     400      400
         Registration - (Non-Refundable, paid once upon admission)  One Time      2850    2850
         Registration - Professional diploma in Teaching (Non-Refundable,   One Time  2000  2000
         paid once upon admission)
         Institutional TOEFL + Write Placer          One Time                     585      585
         IELTS Exam                                  One Time                     1075    1075
         Late Registration/Payment Fee               Upon Occurrence              500      500
         Healthcare Service Fee                      Per Semester                 110      50
         Healthcare Service Fee                      Per Summer/Winter            55       25
         Student Services                            Per Semester                 350      350
         Student Services                            Per Summer / Winter          175      175

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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