Page 32 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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           grace period. A committee will decide on each case   re-apply once their admission documents are complete.
           based on the documentation provided.
                                                       *The basis for admission is the Bachelor degree. Master
                                                       degrees or Postgraduate Diplomas do not substitute the
        Master Degree General                          Bachelor degree for admission.
        Admission                                    Additional Required Documents for

        The following documents will be required     International Students:
        during admission for non-international       The following documents have to be received along with
        students:                                    the application form and an application fee:
        a.  A fully completed online Application for Admission form   1.  Attested  Bachelor’s  Degree,  transcripts  and
           with a non-refundable application fee (online payment),  certificates  from the  country  where  the  certificate  is
        b.  An  attested  copy  of  the  certified  Bachelor  Degree
           Certificate and Transcript (attested by the MOE for   2.  Copy of student’s passport (valid for at least 6 months)
           graduates from UAE universities).         3.  Police clearance
        c.  A copy of the UAE national ID card,
                                                     Master Degree Regular Entry Requirements:
        d.  Passport-sized photographs (to be uploaded in the
           online application),                      •   All students applying for Master Degree admission are
                                                        required to have a baccalaureate degree (or equivalent
        e.  A copy of a valid passport and residency visa (if   qualification) in a directly related discipline from an
           applicable),                                 accredited university recognized by the UAE Ministry
        f.  Official transcripts and course syllabi from other   of Education. The applicant should have a Cumulative
           universities for credit transfer,            Grade Point Average of at least 3.0 on a 4.00-point scale
                                                        or its established equivalent in relevant undergraduate
        g.  Evidence of relevant work experience may be required   course work.
           (for Master of Strategic Leadership applicants),
                                                     •   Candidates may be asked by the Program Director to
        h.  A valid official score report of international TOEFL (IBT)   attend an interview.
           79 or the ITP 550 (taken at ADUKG or Amideast) or the   •   English Proficiency Tests – must be taken no more than
           Academic IELTS 6.0 taken within the last 2 years, EMSAT   two years prior to admission to Abu Dhabi University.
           min. score of 1400, taken within the last 18 months;  Minimum English proficiency scores are set for each
        i.   Copy of the latest C.V.,                   program and should be 79 Internet Based TOEFL,
                                                        or 550 paper-based IT TOEFL (taken at ADUKG or
        j.   Police clearance                           Amideast) or 6.0 in Academic IELTS, EMSAT min score
                                                        of 1400, taken within the last 18 months;
        k.  2 Recommendation letters may be required (applicable
           for Master of Engineering Management applicants),  •   For certain postgraduate programs taught in Arabic
                                                         a minimum score of 950 on the English language
        l.   A true copy of an Equivalency letter from the Ministry of   portion of the EmSat examination, or its equivalent on
           Education for applicants graduating from universities   other national or internationally-recognized tests that
           outside the UAE in addition to an attested copy of the   are approved by CAA, such as TOEFL scores of 139
           certified Bachelor Degree Certificate and Transcript.  CBT, 51 iBT, 450 PBT, or 4.5 IELTS, or their equivalents
        Students dismissed from other academic institutes for   on another standardized national or internationally-
        academic integrity offenses, as per their official transcript,   recognized test that is approved by the Commission
        will not be admitted to Abu Dhabi University.    and EmSat Arabic 1250.
        Admission offers are valid for one academic year only. If a   Exceptions:
        student does not register within the academic year, he/she
        will have to re-apply.                       1.   Students who are native speakers of English and
                                                         have completed their undergraduate education
        Applications that have missing documents past the cut-off   in an English medium institution in a country
        date will be issued rejection letters. However, students may   where English is the official language may not be

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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