Page 31 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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        i.   A valid official score report of international TOEFL (IBT)   •   English Proficiency Tests – must be taken no more than
           79 or the ITP 550 (taken at ADUKG or Amideast ) or   two  years  before  admission  to  Abu  Dhabi  University.
           the Academic IELTS 6.0 was taken within the last 2   Minimum English proficiency scores are set for each
           years, and the EMSAT English min. Score of 1400 taken   program and should be 79 Internet-based TOEFL, 550
           within the last 18 months                    paper-based IT TOEFL (taken at ADUKG or Amideast),
                                                        6.0 in Academic IELTS, or an EMSAT minimum score of
        j.   Copy of the latest C.V.                    1400 (taken within 18 months).
        k.  A true copy of an Equivalency letter from the
           Ministry of Education for applicants graduating from   Exceptions:
           universities outside the UAE
                                                     1.  Students who are native speakers of English and have
        l.   Two professional recommendation letters    completed their undergraduate or postgraduate
                                                        Education in an English medium institution in a country
                                                        where English is the official language,  subject to
        Admission offers are valid for one academic year only. If a   approval of the Ministry of Education.
        student does not register within that academic year, he/  •   Students will be interviewed by the DBA Admission
        she must re-apply.                              Committee, or a subset of that, and only if the interview
        Applications with missing documents past the cut-off date   is deemed successful will the candidate be eligible for
        will be issued rejection letters. However, students may re-  an offer of admission.
        apply once their admission documents are complete.   •   Meeting the above conditions doesn’t guarantee
         *The basis for admission is the Master’s degree.   automatic admission into the program. The selection
          Postgraduate Diplomas do not substitute the Master’s   committee will choose the best 20 candidates.
          degree for admission.
                                                     Conditional Admission:
        Additional Required Documents for            Applicants may be required to satisfy one or more of
        International Students:                      the following conditions before being granted regular
                                                     admission to the program:
        The following documents have to be received along with
        the application form and an application fee:  A.  MA graduates from a discipline not related to business
                                                        will be granted regular admission into the program
        1.  Attested Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees, transcripts
           and certificates from the country where the certificate   after the successful completion of some MBA courses.
           is issued                                    The Admission Committee will assess each applicant’s
                                                        course work to determine which MBA foundation
        2.  Copy of student’s passport (valid for at least 6   courses they will need to take. MBA courses are waived
           months),                                     if a student has taken any of them in his/her Bachelor
        3.    Police clearance                          or Master degree with score of B and above.
                                                     B.  Submission of an Equivalency letter from the Ministry of
        Doctorate Entry Requirements:                   Education for students who graduated from universities
                                                        outside the UAE by the end of the first semester. If
        •   Master’s Degree (or equivalent qualification) in Business   they fail to submit it on time, their accounts will be
           Administration or a directly related discipline from an   deactivated and they will not be allowed to register
           accredited university recognized by the UAE Ministry
           of Education and Scientific Research. The applicant   for the following semester. However, students have to
           should typically have a Cumulative Grade Point Average   approach the Admissions, Enrollment & International
           of at least 3.00 on a 4.00-point scale or its established   Relations Department in writing in case they are not
           equivalent in relevant Master coursework.    able to submit the equivalency letter by the end of the

        Table of Equivalent Scores on tests of English Language Proficiency*
           IELTS Scores Overall      iBT Scores            ITP Scores           EMSAT Scores
                 6.0                   79                    550                   1400

         *Note: Score equivalents are provided by testing organizations.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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