Page 22 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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        Why Choose Abu Dhabi University?             •   Multinational in its perspective, faculty, staff, and
                                                         student body from over 100 nationalities;
        With a broad range of colleges and universities from which   •   International in that it embodies the best of the Arab,
        to select, one might rightly ask, why choose Abu Dhabi   American and British education systems;
                                                     •   Ready to build your English language skills;
        Every student and parent wants to make the best investment
        of their time and money when selecting an institution at   •   Able to develop your quantitative and analytic abilities
        which to study and to earn a degree. ADU is accredited by   •   Prepared to build your technical knowledge and
        the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior   qualifications for your chosen career;
        College and University Commission (WSCUC), ensuring
        all  our  undergraduate  and  postgraduate  degrees  are   •   Concerned about your interpersonal social skills for
        internationally recognized. This accreditation places Abu   life in an international community;
        Dhabi  University  in  the  same  ranks  as  other  prestigious   •   Student-learner focused, where market-driven theory
        institutions accredited by WSCUC, including Caltech, UCLA,   and practice are merged; and
        and Stanford University.                     •   Committed to being the best it can be, and a place
        At Abu Dhabi University, we want you to make the right   where students excel.
        choices for your life, your career and your education, both   •   Home to the number one college of business in the
        for today and for the future!                    UAE  and  the  region,  according  to  the  Times  Higher
        We believe in the vision that our founders planned for Abu   Education Rankings.
        Dhabi University, to be one of the premier universities in   Give it some thought. If you choose Abu Dhabi University
        the UAE, the Arabian Gulf region and the world, and have   for your higher education, we will grow with you in the
        already established the University as a superior-quality   years ahead as we add more programs and facilities, and
        center of higher learning here in the heart of the UAE.   enhance our already broad and fully accredited curriculum
        In fact, we are now officially one of the region’s leading   of degree offerings.
        academic institutions and among the top 3 universities
        in  the  UAE,  89th  in  Asia  and  in  the  top  251-300  globally   Abu Dhabi University is not just books and classrooms: Abu
        according to the Times Higher Education Rankings. We   Dhabi  University  will be  the educational,  cultural,  social,
        hold the number one position in the UAE for the teaching   and technological nexus of the emerging Arabian Gulf
        pillar according to the same ranking.        community. Come and be a part of the vision: be one of the
                                                     best in the UAE, the Gulf region and the world!
        Abu  Dhabi  University  blends  the  finest  traditions  of  the
        UAE with modern, fast-paced, technologically embedded
        educational methods gleaned from higher education
        systems around the world. ADU has received an overall 5 QS
        Stars rating by the prestigious Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)
        - Stars Rating for the year 2022, with a full score in student
        faculty engagement, student interaction, student services
        and  technology,  online  outsourcing  and  commitment  to
        online learning.
        Abu Dhabi University can be the right institution for you if
        you are seeking a university that is:
        •   New, clearly focused, career-oriented, and aspiring to
            be one of the best;

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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