Page 17 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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        degree program in Information Technology by the   W ASC (W estern Association of Schools and
                                                     WASC (Western Association of Schools and
        Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, the global   College, USA) Accreditation
                                                     College, USA) Accr
        accreditor of college and university programs in applied and
        natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering   In 2016, Abu Dhabi University was granted full accreditation
        technology.                                  status by the Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities
                                                     of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
        ABET accreditation assures that programs meet standards   WASC is one of the six official academic bodies in the United
        to produce graduates ready to enter critical technical   States, responsible for the accreditation of public and
        fields that are leading the way in innovation and emerging   private universities and colleges, secondary and elementary
        technologies and anticipating the welfare and safety needs   schools, and   foreign   institutions   of   American   origin.
        of the public.
                                                     ADU is the only private university in the Middle East to
                                                     have achieved the distinction of WASC accreditation.
        RIBA (Ro yal Institute of British Ar chitects)
        RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects)
        Accr editation                               In 2022, following a stringent and comprehensive
                                                     reaccreditation review process, the Commission recognized
        Abu Dhabi University’s Bachelor of Architecture program is   ADU for its outstanding quality and confirmed reaccreditation
        accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA),   for a full 10 years, an achievement reflective of WASC’s
        making it the first and only program in the UAE to receive   confidence in ADU and in the high caliber of its programs.
        this accreditation.
        RIBA accreditation is one of the highest accolades awarded   International Air Transport Association (IATA,
                                                     International Air T
                                                                      ansport Association (IA
        to an architecture program and is based on the assurance
                                                                          aining Center (A
                                                     Canada); Authorized T
        of international quality standards in architectural education.  Canada); Authorized Training Center (ATC)
        AA CSB (USA) & EQUIS (Eur opean) Accr editation   ADU has received the accreditation as an Authorized
        AACSB (USA) & EQUIS (European) Accreditation
                                                     Training Center (ATC) on the 29th of August 2019 from the
        The College of Business at Abu Dhabi University is accredited   International Air Transport Association (IATA). This refers in
        by both the US-based AACSB and the EU-based EQUIS for   particular to the Department of Aviation.
        all of its Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral programs in
        Business. Only 1% of business schools worldwide have this   IATA was founded in 1945 and currently has 299 airlines
        double accreditation.                        as members (as of April 2020). IATA is the prime facilitator
                                                     for inter-airline co-operation in promoting safe, reliable,
                                                     secure  and  economical  air  services  for  the  benefit  of
        APHEA (Agency for Public Health Education
        APHEA (Agency for Public Health Education    the world’s consumers. IATA diplomas and certificates
        Accreditation (APHEA)                        guarantee high  standards of training  and have  gained
            editation (APHEA)
                                                     worldwide recognition and acceptance as a quality product
        Abu Dhabi University’s Bachelor of Science in Public Health   by the world’s airlines and industry associations. These are
        program is accredited by Agency of Public Health Education   important qualifications for anyone wishing to upgrade his/
        Accreditation (APHEA).                       her professional competence or start a career in the travel,
        APHEA Accreditation is aimed at supporting the continued   cargo or aviation industry.
        amelioration of education and training for public health
        workforces throughout the world by providing an
        international and transparent quality recognition.
        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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