Page 145 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 145





        Introduction                                 or pass challenge exams as determined by the Program
        The College of Engineering (COE) at Abu Dhabi University
        offers the Master of Science in Electrical and Computer   The MSECE paves the way for advancement in professional
        Engineering (MSECE) program. The MSECE program   practice. Graduates of the program are ready to tackle
        offers students opportunities for advanced education in   complex problems in the areas of microelectronics,
        the  field  of  Electrical  and  Computer  Engineering  (ECE),   communications and networking, power and renewable
        thus producing engineers with state-of-the-art specialized   energy, embedded systems, robotics, the Internet
        technical knowledge and skills who are ready to serve as   of Things, machine learning, signal processing, and
        experts in their fields and/or to pursue PhD degrees in   information technology. The graduates achieve the
        ECE. The MSECE program has a coursework option and   breadth and depth of knowledge and skills needed to
        a thesis option. In the coursework option, students are   innovate in today and tomorrow’s world where innovation,
        required to complete 10 graduate-level courses (30 credit   technology, communication, and energy are the driving
        hours) in addition to a capstone project (3 credit hours).   forces for economic growth and prosperity. The program
        For the thesis option, students complete 9 graduate-level   is designed with a schedule that minimizes disruption of
        courses (27 credit hours) and a thesis (6 credit hours).   work commitments.
        The program accepts students with bachelor’s degrees in   The program aims at producing graduate who can (i)
        Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related
        fields. Students who lack the necessary background in   apply current techniques, skills, and necessary tools in
        certain topics, as per their undergraduate transcript, may   Electrical and Computer Engineering practices, (ii) develop
        be admitted conditionally. Such students will need to take   focused knowledge in areas of specialization in Electrical
        some undergraduate-level courses as remedial courses   and Computer Engineering, (iii) formulate, analyze and
                                                     solve problems within the discipline, (iv) develop critical

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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