Page 12 - ASC Newsletter
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Reflections on Tutoring Experience

        What Our Peer Tutors Tell Us

        Marcellin Premila Jerome, Chemical engineering
        Being a mentor in the ASC has been a unique experience. The place itself offers various kinds of learning
        opportunities depending on the student’s needs. The sense of helping a student to feel comfortable and being
        able to make her understand her issues enlightened me. The time I spent at the ASC also helped me to make new
        friends and broaden my teaching skills.
        Lastly, it has enabled me to keep in touch with my previous courses and achieve a deeper understanding of the
        subjects. I would advise any student to go to the ASC regardless of the topic you find difficult - there is always a
        person waiting there to help you. Even if you want to study on your own, the ASC will provide you with the best
        environment to study.

        Ghadeer Ismail, Architecture
        Tutoring at the Academic Success Center has taught me to be more patient while teaching others and understand
        effective learning strategies such as structuring the material and seeking out key pieces of information. I studied
        some materials intending to teach others, and this involved the use of additional techniques that lead to a more
        comprehensive understanding for me to pass on.
        ASC increased my feeling of responsibility and motivated me to learn more myself. It improved my communication
        skills, leadership ability, and increased my confidence.

        What Our Tutees Say

        Sarah Abdel Sater
        The ASC is a great place to study. Academic Tutors, Course Assistants, and Peer Tutors are always available to help
        with whatever is needed. The flexible timings are well suited for students.

        Budoor Saleh
        If you want a comfortable place to study, then the ASC is your best choice. It is a great place with efficient and
        helpful Academic Tutors, Peer Tutors, and Course Assistants. I love going to the ASC.

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