Page 23 - ASC Highlights Fall 23-24
P. 23


        Benefits of reading

        self-improvement books

        During my time in college, I’ve learned a lot of things that have been helpful for my studies and
        personal growth. As a student, I’ve faced challenges and successes. I’m proud of my dedication to
        getting better and better with each semester. Learning has always been important to me.
        I’ve found that reading self-improvement books has been useful. These books taught me how to be
        a better leader, communicate effectively, and manage my time well. They’ve also helped me perform
        better in my studies. Reading these books has given me the knowledge and skills to be a better
        leader, both in my studies and as a future peer mentor. I’ve learned how to lead by setting a good
        example, inspiring others, and dealing with tough situations.
        These books have also improved my academic skills. I’m better at doing research, managing projects,
        and communicating effectively. These skills not only help me get better grades but also prepare me
        for my future career.

        In summary, my commitment to personal growth, guided by self-improvement books, has been a
        foundation for my success in college. As I continue into my third year and beyond, I’m excited to keep
        getting better and keep learning.
        Some of the books I read were:
        -      Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman
        -      The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg
        -      The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Sean Covey
        -      رضخا قيرف - قتسفلا هيرظن
        -      يدمحلاا دهف -لضفلال ريغتلا

                                                                                        Tala Al Massad – 1084559
                                                                                        Peer Mentor

        Abu Dhabi University | ASC Highlights 2023                                                         Fall 23-24
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