Page 20 - ASC Highlights Fall 23-24
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        mini-interview Series

                                     Collette Anne Foster
                                     Department of Languages
                                     College of Arts and Science, Abu Dhabi University
        I am an experienced adult educator working in the ADU Language Department. My primary focus is on teaching
        English, workplace communications, and research proposal writing. My background is in educational leadership
        & management, as well as administration, and teacher training and mentoring.  I am deeply passionate about
        sharing my knowledge and helping students learn and understand. I also have a wide range of interests,
        including reading, walking, cooking & entertaining, and I am an intrepid world traveller, who has been to all seven
        continents! One of my current goals is to publish an interesting and successful research article on Improving
        Teaching Skills for Faculty in Universities.

        My experience as a student was both enriching and challenging. I always had a strong thirst for knowledge,
        which drove me to pursue higher education. It was during my own academic journey that I developed a profound
        appreciation for the power of education to transform lives. I faced my fair share of academic hurdles, but they
        taught me resilience and the importance of seeking help and guidance when needed. Overall, my time as a
        student laid the foundation for my career in education, as it allowed me to understand the student experience
        from the inside. As a result, I call education the “Magic Golden Key” – it opens many doors in life for you, it gives
        you the chance to have a better career, it gives you choices in life, and it gives you respect from others.

        My advice to students today is multifaceted. Firstly, embrace curiosity and a love of learning. Education is a
        lifelong journey, and the more you engage with it, the more you’ll grow. Secondly, don’t be afraid to seek help
        and support. Whether it’s from professors, advisors, or peers, there is a wealth of resources available to assist
        you in your academic journey. Additionally, time management and organisation are key components. Balancing
        coursework, personal life, and extracurricular activities can be challenging, so developing effective time-
        management skills is crucial. Lastly, remember that failure is a part of the learning process. Don’t be discouraged
        by setbacks; instead, view them as opportunities to learn and improve. Finally, learn something new every day!
        Learning new academic vocabulary and reading are the tools that will help make you successful, not only in your
        studies, but in life also.

        The role of the Academic Student Centre

        I love the ASC! It is a great service for faculty and students. It plays a pivotal role in every student’s academic journey.
        It is a hub of resources and support, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their studies. This
        includes academic advising to help students choose the right courses, tutoring services to assist with challenging
        subjects, and workshops on needed skills, such as; reading, study skills and time management. Additionally,
        the ASC fosters a sense of community, where students can connect with their peers and find mentorship from
        more experienced students. It is also a place where students can seek guidance on their career goals and receive
        assistance with internship and job placement. In essence, the Academic Success Centre is a comprehensive
        resource that empowers students to achieve their academic and career aspirations. I encourage all students to
        utilise this important resource – it will assist you in reaching your goals!

        Abu Dhabi University | ASC Highlights 2023                                                         Fall 23-24
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