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        Mini Interview SERIES

                                                Mr. Shannon Glasgow

                                                Senior Instructor of English
                                                Al Ain Campus Coordinator, College of
                                                Arts and Sciences

        About me

        I am a Senior Language Instructor at the College of Arts and Sciences and Coordinator for the
        Al Ain Campus. I have MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and a BA in International
        Relations.  I have spent 60% of my life outside my home country, the US, living / working /
        studying in 8 countries and traveling in 50.  I have helped organize a number of TEDxAlAin
        and regional Toastmasters events and is currently serving as President of the Humoroids
        Toastmasters Club (Abu Dhabi).

        My Favorites:

        History + cultural experiences
        Helping others achieve their highest potential
        Going on hikes with my family + cooking with my best friend
        Alternative housing / alternative medicine.

        Contact me:


        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights                                          Fall 2021
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