Page 5 - ASC Highlights
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                              It has been a year, and it is still surreal to me how we have not met you
                              in person. These can be trying times for many of us, but all I want to
                              remind you is to stay hopeful. There are always unexpected challenges
                              that come along, but there is also always someone you can reach out to
                              especially at the Academic Success Center (ASC). All you need to do is ask
                              for help, and you will have it. Talk to someone who will help you on how
                              to approach the new normal and stay hopeful because these are new
                              beginnings, ergo exciting times!
                              So, breathe and take it one step at a time.
        Ms. Beena Vijayan
        AD Coordinator

                              To all of you students, I would like  to share one of my favorite formulas.
                              This one is about success. When you have a dream, and work hard to
                              achieve it, with all your might and determination, then you will achieve
                              that which your heart desires the most – success.  We can see this in
                              the example of role models such as Christiano Ronaldo, who practices
                              for hours each day; or in the example of the business tycoon, Warren
                              Buffet, the 90-year old American business tycoon, who is one of the most
                              successful investors in the world.  Through him we learn that success
                              is achievable, if we work hard, dream hard and dedicate ourselves to
        Ms. Deenaz Kanji      achieving our goals.
        AA Coordinator
                              Good luck to our wonderful students and may you fare well in all you do.

                              Remember – set your goals high, aim and reach for the stars.  It is in your

                             “Leadership isn’t determined by

                          power or prestige. It is determined

                              by what kind of difference you

                                make in the lives of others.”

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights Fall 2020
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