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        A note from our Dean

        on Being a Leader

                              I always knew I wanted to be in the educational sector, and I have always
                              had an affinity towards helping children and empowering them with
                              quality education that will help them in the real world independently. I
                              have been fortunate over the years to be able to work with students and
                              now have the responsibility to shape students’ experience at Abu Dhabi
                              University holistically.

                              Being a leader is an immensely satisfying job especially when you have a
                              stellar team with you, but I cannot underplay the pressure and stress that
        Dr. Sreethi Nair      comes with the role. Does it overwhelm me? There are certain days where
        Dean, College of Arts   I feel the decisions are too many and tasks are never-ending. In times
        and Science
                              like these, what I have learned is that it is important to first breathe and
                              then prioritize. This way you are attending to things in a timely manner.
                              Everything is urgent, so it is important to brace yourself to be able to
                              cope with the workloads and forgive yourself. To err is human they say.
                              So, remember the few hiccups along the way can always be fixed if you
                              are agile and think on your toes.

                              Over time, I have also learnt that it is important to reach out for help and
                              work with the staff and faculty to ensure work is delivered efficiently.
                              Being a leader does not simply mean to lead but to offer the people
                              under you the space to grow and develop professionally. Their excellence
                              translates collectively to help you lead a more organized system. I have
                              had the privilege of leading, mentoring and endorsing some of the best
                              instructors, staff, and students to help realize my vision of a university
                              that offers world-class education.

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights Fall 2020
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