Page 67 - Undergraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 67
defined by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Athletic Scholarship
Value: 25 percent waiver on tuition fees for the continuing
d. EmSat (or equivalent international exams) requirements: students per academic year.
Applicants will be required to have a minimum EmSat Math
score of 1,200, English score of 1,600 and Arabic score of Description and Eligibility Requirements:
900 for all colleges. a. This scholarship is awarded to students that demonstrate
Ongoing Scholarship Maintenance Requirements: active participation on ADU sports teams (either as coach,
captain or player).
A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of
3.70. b. Successful completion of the English Language Institute
A minimum of 12 passed credit hours per semester.
Ongoing Scholarship Maintenance:
A minimum CGPA of 2.75.
University Scholarship
A minimum of 12 passed credit hours per semester.
Value: from 15 percent up to 50 percent waiver on
tuition fees for UAE residents & GCC national candidates
(GCC national candidates must provide official attested Rules and Regulations
The following rules and regulations shall apply to all Abu
a. Students who newly graduated from secondary school Dhabi University scholarship recipients:
and join ADU within two years of their secondary school
graduation may receive scholarship with a value from 15 up a. Scholarships are given for the period of time the
to 50% waiver of the tuition fee per campus based on their student is enrolled at ADU, benefits outlined herein
high school average and selected major. shall be granted according to the time period
indicated by the study plan.
b. University scholarship will be applicable to the period
of time the student is enrolled at ADU in full time status b. The student can appeal the decision of the committee
(registered in 12 credit hours), the only exception to the 12 two weeks from the announcement of scholarship
credit hours will be given in the first registered semester recipients.
and the following term for students who are not meeting c. A student may avail of only one scholarship.
the English Language Requirements.
d. Tuition reductions, scholarships and/or financial aid
Ongoing Scholarship Maintenance: cannot be shared and/or transferred among family
a. Students with university scholarship maintained members.
automatically at reduction rates as previously approved e. Students who are sponsored by a third party may or
when a student maintains a minimum grade point average may not receive any ADU scholarship depending on
(CGPA) of 3.60 the third party agreement.
b. A minimum of 12 passed credit hours per semester f. In case a student qualifies for more than one
except for winter and summer terms. reduction, scholarship or financial aid benefit, the
student will be given the chance to choose the benefit
Academic Scholarship with the highest value.
g. Students who do not continuously enroll or register
Value: 20 percent waiver on tuition fees for all continuing for medical reason or other justifiable emergency
Abu Dhabi University students. reasons approved by scholarship and student aid
Eligibility Requirements: office may postpone for one semester.
a. This scholarship is available to continuing students who h. Any student who is found guilty of a student code of
obtain 3.60 CGPA for two consecutive semesters. conduct violation or an academic integrity offense will
forfeit the applicable scholarship for the remaining
Ongoing Scholarship Maintenance: study in ADU.
A minimum CGPA of 3.60. i Any withdrawal from classes during a given semester
A minimum enrollment of 12 passed credit hours per without prior approval from the Scholarship and
semester. Student Aid Office may result in a scholarship
Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025