Page 54 - Undergraduate Handbook 2024-25
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absence. Students will be permitted to take a make-up Exceptions
exam, if its weight is at least 10% of the course total mark,
upon approval of a legitimate excuse. The Chancellor reserves the right to decide on any situation/
circumstances outside the conditions stated in this policy.
Evidence for any of the following legitimate excuses will be
submitted to the Office of the Registrar on the first day of Distance Learning Procedure
return to class:
1. Hospitalization, The purpose of the procedural guidelines is to set out
general institutional rules and standards for distance
2. Contagious Disease, teaching and learning at ADU. Distance teaching and
3. Death of an immediate family member (parent, learning complies with MoE/CAA regulations, as well as
grandparent, sibling, spouse, child), with related ADU policies and procedures.
5. Special assignments (for working students) with prior
written approval from the Office of the Registrar, 1.1 Faculty members are responsible for:
6. Al haj, Al Umra is not a valid excuse for students to 1.1.1 Attending all mandatory online teaching training
be absent. sessions, as well as attending any optional training sessions
deemed desirable and/or relevant to subject, college, or
In the case of excused absence for a final exam, the student identified need.
has to apply for an Incomplete (I) grade at the Office of the
Registrar within 48 hours of the exam. 1.1.2 Preparing course materials to be used during distance
delivery. The material will be either ADU-approved course
Undergraduate Completion content and material or appropriate external material
relevant to the course content.
Policy 1.1.3 Observing and abiding by ADU rules and regulations
This is to specify the university-wide requirements of each related to academic integrity and intellectual property
undergraduate academic degree program that is offered at rights.
Abu Dhabi University. 1.1.4 Maintaining familiarity and currency with all technical
1. Total Credit Hours tools, software and techniques adopted by ADU to support
distance learning.
Except in instances where professional accreditation
requirements dictate otherwise, all undergraduate degree 1.1.5 Conducting all course sessions as per the official ADU
programs will require 120 total credit hours. schedule.
2. Grade Point Average 1.1.6 Enforcing appropriate conduct and discipline rules
and maintaining order throughout all course sessions, and
All undergraduate students must successfully complete reporting any student misconduct, in line with ADU rules
all course requirements, as well as the other activities and regulations.
assigned to their specialized study plan. The CGPA of each
undergraduate graduating student must be at least 2.0 out 1.1.7 Applying all ADU teaching rules as per traditional
of 4.0 at the time of graduation. delivery mode, and observing the Code of Conduct as
outlined in the Faculty Handbook.
3. Credit Transfer
1.1.8 Evaluating and monitoring student engagement/
The maximum approved transfer credits must not exceed active participation in the session, which is a compulsory
50% of the total credits towards an undergraduate program component in considering attendance for distance
at Abu Dhabi University. learning.
4. Study Plan 1.1.9 Ensuring that any material required for teaching
and learning is made available for the students in a timely
Each undergraduate degree program will have study plans manner, either during the session or prior to the session.
for students entering in Abu Dhabi University. These study
plans will specify the appropriate sequences of courses 1.1.10 Implementing the course assessment strategy for
that students must take in order to graduate usually within existing courses to ensure students achieve the learning
a four-year period. Study plans should include university outcomes and ensure quality of student performance.
requirements, major and elective courses.
Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025