Page 505 - Undergraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 505


        systems. Fundamental design   knowledge and understanding of   CSE 300 - Introduction to Digital
        concepts using notation of Unified   mobile applications design and   Forensics
        Modeling Language (UML). Designing   implementation. The course also
        for qualities such as performance,   examines the tools by which mobile   Credit Hours: 3
        security, reusability, reliability.   applications are built in different   Prerequisite: SWE 201 or CSC 201
        Metrics and measurement.  Survey of   mobile device environments. The aim   Digital Forensics Investigations
        software design methods; Object-  of this subject is to enable students   introduces the newest technologies
        oriented analysis and modeling;   to understand the basic principles   along with detailed information on
        Software architecture design.  and architectures of native mobile   how the evidence contained on these
                                      application development. The course
        SWE 472 - Software Testing and   focuses on mobile application   devices should be analyzed. Packed
        Quality Assurance             development using Android. In   with practical, hands-on activities,
                                                                    students will learn unique subjects
        Credit Hours: 3               addition, the course introduces cloud-  from chapters including handling
        Prerequisite: SWE 471         based servers and cloud functions   computer hardware, capturing
                                      using firebase.               online communications, network,
        Concepts and techniques for                                 mobile, and MAC forensics, as well
        testing software. Topics include                            as photograph forensics. This course
        software testing at the unit, module,   Major Electives     will prepare students for the rapidly-
        subsystem, and system levels;                               growing field of computer forensics
        developer testing; automatic and                            for a career with law enforcement,
        manual techniques for generating                            accounting firms, banks and credit
        test data; testing concurrent and   CEN 325 - Internet of Things:   card companies, private investigation
        distributed software; designing and   Foundation and Design  companies, or government agencies.
        implementing software to increase   Credit Hours: 3
        maintainability and reuse.    Prerequisite: CSC 201, CSC 303  CSE 310 - Introduction to
        SWE 473 - Software Maintenance   This course will introduce   Cryptography
        and Evolution                 microcontrollers and how they are   Credit Hours: 3
        Credit Hours: 3               used to build Internet of Things   Prerequisite: STT 201 + MTT 202
        Prerequisite: SWE 401         applications. During this course,   The main objective of this course is
                                      students will develop a basic   unveiling some of the fascinating
        The main objective of the course is   understanding of embedded and   magic of cryptography, and to provide
        to cover the principles of software   networked systems and how to   students with understanding to the
        maintenance and evolution. Software   program them using assembly and   tools of cryptography.  Students will
        maintenance and evolution comes   embedded C. They also learn how   discover how cryptography ensures
        with many issues and challenges.   simple I/O devices are controlled   privacy, authenticity, and integrity
        Without proper maintenance and   by these microcontrollers and how   to both data and systems in this
        evolution strategy, the software will   to connect them to the cloud using   modern digital age. Cryptography
        eventually become costly, difficult to   Wi-Fi. Lectures and labs will be used   tools, includes both symmetric and
        maintain, evolve and comprehend.   to ensure that the concepts of IoT are   asymmetric encryptions, practical
        This course introduces different   understood.              usage of these tools including digital
        techniques, strategies and concepts                         signature, message authentication,
        to help software engineers design a   CSC 303 - Digital Logic Design  digital envelops, message
        usable and maintainable software.   Credit Hours: 3         authentications hash functions more.
        Course topics include software   Prerequisite: ECS 200
        quality, software refactoring, software                     Modern Cryptography uses
        change management, regression   This course discusses the theory,   mathematical language to precisely
        testing, software re-engineering and   operation, and applications of digital   pin down elusive security goals,
        software ruse.                logic devices and systems and   design primitives and protocols to
                                      introduces students to a systematic   achieve these goals, and validate
        ITE 421 - Native Mobile       design methodology.           the security of designed primitives
        Application Development                                     and protocols using mathematical
        Credit Hours: 3                                             proofs based on clearly stated
        Prerequisite: CSC 202                                       hardness assumptions. Therefore,
                                                                    to learn cryptography, it is essential
        This course provides basic                                  to understand its mathematical

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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