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 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN  the practice of electrical engineering with sufficient depth   Program Learning Outcomes
        to continue their education beyond the baccalaureate
                                                         An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex
        degree; who have the ability to analyze, evaluate, and
 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING  design electrical engineering systems; who have the ability   electrical engineering problems by applying
                                                         principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
        to  communicate  effectively;  who  have  gained  sufficient
        awareness  of  the  current  and  emerging  industrial
        practices through participation in industrial internship   2.   An ability to apply electrical engineering design
                                                         to produce solutions that meet specified needs with
        experiences; and who have acquired an understanding of   consideration of public health, safety, and welfare,
        and appreciation for global and societal issues and are thus   as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and
        prepared for a career path towards leadership in industry,   economic factors
        government, and academia.
                                                     3.   An ability to communicate effectively with a range of
        Program Educational Objectives                   audiences
        The objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Electrical   4.   An ability to recognize ethical and professional
        Engineering program are to produce graduates who will:  responsibilities in engineering situations and make
                                                         informed judgments, which must consider the
        1.    Demonstrate their success as electrical engineers
           with a good set of technical, problem solving, and   impact of engineering solutions in global, economic,
           leadership accomplishments.                   environmental, and societal contexts
        2.    Participate in life-long learning activities such as   5.   An ability to function effectively on a team whose
                                                         members together provide leadership, create a
           training, continuing education, or graduate studies.
                                                         collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
        3.    Contribute to the development and the growth of   goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
           local and global communities and uphold their ethical,
           social, and professional responsibilities.  6.   An ability to develop and conduct appropriate
                                                         experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use
                                                         engineering judgment to draw conclusions
                                                     7.   An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as
                                                         needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

 Introduction  The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program   Curriculum
 at Abu Dhabi University is accredited by the Engineering
 Electrical Engineering is concerned with electrical and   Accreditation Commission of ABET, The   Total Credit Hours:  138
 electronic devices and systems essential to contemporary   Electrical Engineering program at Abu Dhabi University
 life. It is a rapidly advancing field that has a significant   has been developed according to the standards of
 impact on shaping modern societies.  international professional bodies such as the Institute of
 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE). This ensures   General Education Requirements  21 credit hours
 Electrical  Engineering  includes  electronic  and  computer   that graduates of the program will be uniquely qualified to
 systems, control and electrical power and renewable energy   design, analyze, and test wide-ranging solutions for state-  Degree Requirements  36 credit hours
 systems, telecommunications, and microelectronics. It is   of-the-art electrical and electronic systems.
 concerned with the way electrical energy is produced and   Major Requirements   66 credit hours
 used at homes, communities and the industry.  Electrical Engineering students may also choose to   Major Electives   15 credit hours
 specialize in the exciting and high demand area of robotics
 Electrical engineers design and build the systems and   and automation, which will increasingly shape our future.
 machines that generate, transmit, measure, control and
 use electrical energy. They work with various types of
 equipment ranging from heavy power generators to tiny   Program Mission
 computer chips, and their work contributes to almost every
 sector of the society. For example, they may work on the   The educational mission of the Electrical Engineering
 design of telecommunication systems, the operation of   undergraduate program is to provide students with a  high-
 electric power stations, the lighting and wiring of buildings,   quality education through well-developed curriculum that is
 the design of household appliances or the electrical control   fundamental, yet broad and flexible. The program seeks to
 of industrial machinery or  in designing and  fabricating   produce graduates who are well-rounded in mathematical,
 integrated circuits.  scientific, and technical knowledge; who are prepared for

 Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024  Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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