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 General Education Requirements            24 Credit Hours  Major Requirements                                67 Credit Hours

 Credit   Course Code             Course Title                 Prerequisite(s)      Credit Hours
 Course Code  Course Title  Prerequisite(s)
            CIV 102   Computer Aided Drawing                    No Prerequisite          3
 ARL 101 (A)   Communication Skills in Arabic  Lang.  No Prerequisite  3
            CIV 104   Introduction to Civil Engineering         No Prerequisite          3
 IELTS average score of 6or EMSAT average
 score of 1400 or passing grade in ENG 102                    CIV 205  Introduction to Geomatics  MTT 102  3
 ENG 200  English II  (USS001 Uni. Study Skills Seminar as co-requisite if   3
 placed in ENG 200)  CIV 201  Statics                              PHY 102               3
 FWS 305  Technical Communication for Workplace   ENG 200 + Completion of 45 CHs.   3  CIV 242  Fluid Mechanics  CIV 201+  MTT 200  3
 Fundamentals of Innovation and   CIV 242L  Fluid Mechanics Lab  CIV 242 (Co-req)        1
 FWS 310  ENG 200 + Completion of 60 CHs.  3
            CIV 206   Mechanics of Materials                       CIV 201               3
 ISL 100 (A)  Islamic Culture   No Prerequisite  3
            CIV 314   Structural Analysis                          CIV 206               3
 MTT 102  Calculus I  Math Placement Test or MTT 101 (C grade)  3
            CIV 313   Construction Materials                   CIV 206 + CHE 205         3
 ENG 102 (P) & USS001 as pre-requsite
 FWS 205  UAE and GCC Society   USS001 as co-requisite  if students enter to ENG   3  CIV 313L  Construction Materials Lab  CIV 313 (Co-req)  1
 200 course directly  CIV 343  Hydraulics                          CIV 242               3
 STT 100  General Statistics    No Prerequisite  3  CIV 331  Highway Engineering  CIV 205  3
            CIV 332   Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering   CIV 205               3
 College Requirements  42 Credit Hours  CIV 324  Geotechnical Engineering  CIV 206 + GOL 205 (Co-req)  3
            CIV 324L  Geotechnical Engineering Lab              CIV 324 (Co-req)         1
 Course Code  Course Title  Prerequisite(s)  Credit Hours
            CIV 316   Structural Systems                           CIV 314               3
 MTT 200  Calculus 2  MTT 102  3
            CIV 352   Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering  CHE 205 + CIV 104       3
 MTT 201  Calculus 3  MTT 200  3
            CIV 362   Construction Management                     ENG 200                3
 MTT 204  Introduction to Linear Algebra  MTT 200  3
            CIV 413   Structural Steel Design                      CIV 314               3
 MTT 205  Differential Equations  MTT 200 + MTT 204 (Co-req)  3
            CIV 318   Reinforced Concrete Design I              CIV 314 + CIV 313        3
 PHY 102  Physics and Engineering Applications I   MTT 102  3
            CIV 421   Foundation Engineering                       CIV 324               3
 PHY 102L  Physics and Engineering Applications I Lab  MTT 102 + PHY 102 (Co-req)  1
            CIV 442   Hydrology and Urban Systems                  CIV 343               3
 PHY 201  Physics and Engineering Applications II   PHY 102  3
            CIV 398i  Internship in Civil Engineering 1     Completion of 60 Credit Hours  1.5
 PHY 201L  Physics and Engineering Applications II Lab  PHY 102 + PHY 201 (Co-req)  1
            CIV 399i  Internship in Civil Engineering 2    Completion of 105 Credit Hours  1.5
 CHE 205  Chemistry  (Co-requisite) ENG 102/ENG 200  3
            CIV 497   Capstone Design Project I           103 credits + CIV 316, CIV 318, CIV   1
 CHE 201L  Chemistry Lab  (Co-requisite) CHE 205   1      324, CIV 332, CIV 352 and CIV 343
 GOL 205  Physical Geology  No prerequisite + ENG 200 (Co-req)  3  CIV 498  Capstone Design Project II  CIV 497  3
 CSC 201  Computer Programming I  MTT 101 or Higher  3
 COE 102  Introductory Big Data Analysis   STT 100  3
 COE 101  Introduction to Artificial Intelligence  STT 100  3
 COE 202  Engineering Ethics, Economy and Law  ENG 200 + MTT 102  3
 GEN 300  Numerical Methods  MTT 205 + CSC 201  3

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