Page 213 - Undergraduate Catalog 2023-24
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 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN  and appreciation for global and societal issues and are thus   Program Learning Outcomes
        prepared for a career path towards leadership in industry,
                                                     The following program outcomes describe competencies
        government, and academia.
 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING   Program Objectives           and skills that our students acquire by the time of
                                                     graduation. Our graduates are expected to be able to:

        The main objectives of the Chemical Engineering program   1.   Identify, formulate, and solve complex chemical
                                                         engineering problems by applying principles of
        are to:                                          engineering, science, and mathematics
        1.   Prepare graduates who  can efficiently operate,   2.   Apply chemical engineering design to produce
            design, develop and/or evaluate a chemical   solutions that meet specified needs with consideration
            engineering system/component in a safe,      of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global,
            economically feasible, and environmentally   cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
            responsible way.
                                                     3.   Communicate effectively with a range of audiences
        2.   Prepare graduates who can demonstrate  success as
            chemical and process engineers with a good set of   4.   Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities
            technical,      problem solving, and leadership   in  chemical  engineering  situations  and  make
            accomplishments.                             informed judgments, which must consider the
                                                         impact of engineering solutions in global, economic,
        3.   Prepare graduates who  contribute to the    environmental, and societal contexts
            development and growth of the economy locally
            and abroad and uphold their ethical, social, and   5.   Function effectively in a team whose members
            professional responsibilities.               together provide leadership, create a collaborative
                                                         and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks,
        4.   Prepare graduates who  can develop themselves   and meet objectives
            professionally by engaging to life-long learning
            activities such as training and continuing education   6.   Develop  and  conduct  appropriate  chemical
            or follow graduate studies.                  engineering experimentation, analyze and interpret
                                                         data, and use engineering judgment to draw
                                                     7.   Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using
                                                         appropriate learning strategies

 Introduction  in your final year. In addition, you will round up your ChE
 education through a carefully selected 6-week internship in
 Chemical Engineering (ChE) is a branch of engineering that   one of the many relevant industries in the UAE or abroad.   Curriculum
 deals with the conversion of raw materials to useful products
 by applying the principles of science and engineering. It   This program is accredited by the Ministry of Education in   Total Credit Hours:  136
 involves the design, operation, and maintenance of facilities   the UAE and ABET.
 ranging from refineries, petrochemical, pharmaceutical   General Education Requirements  24 credit hours
 plants, and nuclear-waste processing plants, to food and   Program Mission
 materials processing facilities.   Degree Requirements            39  credit hours
 The educational mission of the chemical engineering
 Chemical engineers develop, design, and operate different   undergraduate program is to provide students with a   Major Requirements   58  credit hours
 kinds of manufacturing processes, applying the principles of   premium education through a well-developed curriculum
 chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and engineering   that is fundamental, yet broad and flexible. The program   Major Electives  9   credit hours
 to solve issues in a wide variety of industrial fields efficiently,   seeks  to  produce  graduates  who  are  well-rounded  in   Open Electives        6   credit hours
 cost effectively, and in an environmentally friendly way.  mathematical, scientific, and technical knowledge; who are
 The challenging four-year program integrates courses in   prepared for the successful practice of chemical engineering
 mathematics, chemistry, physics, and chemical engineering,   with  sufficient  depth  to  continue  their  education  beyond
 and  provides  a balanced  education  between  theory   the bachelor’s degree; who have the ability to analyze,
 and practice. During the program you will be given the   evaluate, and design chemical engineering systems; who
 opportunity to design and conduct laboratory experiments,   have the ability to communicate effectively; who have
 use industry-specific software for process simulation and   gained sufficient awareness of the current and emerging
 design, and integrate all theoretical and practical knowledge   industrial practices through participation in industrial
 gained through the design of a chemical processing plant   internships; and who have acquired an understanding of

 Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024  Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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