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        BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN                                                                                The educational mission of the Aviation Science   c.   Identify, formulate, and solve problems encountered
                                                                                                              undergraduate program is to provide students with a
                                                                                                                                                               in the practice of performing the role of an aviation
                                                                                                              multidisciplinary curriculum that is fundamental, yet broad
        AVIATION                                                                                              and flexible. The program seeks to produce graduates   d.   Demonstrate an understanding of the professional
                                                                                                              equipped with the knowledge and skills to become Aviation
                                                                                                                                                               and ethical responsibility of licensed and non-licensed
                                                                                                              Professionals  being  able  to  pursue  careers  in  different
                                                                                                              sectors of the aviation industry and affine industries.  aviation personnel with regard to safety
                                                                                                                                                           e.   Communicate  effectively  by written,  oral  and  visual
                                                                                                              Program Learning Outcomes                        means;
                                                                                                                                                           f.   Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of the
                                                                                                              The following intended program learning outcomes   aviation industry in a global, economic, environmental,
                                                                                                              describe competencies and skills that Aviation students will   and societal context
                                                                                                              acquire by the time of graduation. Aviation graduates are
                                                                                                              expected to be able to:                      g.   Develop research capabilities and independent
                                                                                                                                                               information retrieval strategies
                                                                                                              a.   Comprehend  the  aviation  system  as an  integrated
                                                                                                                  and  multidisciplinary  environment  and the  role  of   h.   Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues in
                                                                                                                  professionals working in this sector         aviation
                                                                                                              b.   Function in multidisciplinary teams and develop
                                                                                                                  leadership capabilities

                                                                                                              Total Credit Hours: 126

                                                                                                               General Education Requirements                            33 credit hours
                                                                                                               College Requirements                                      6 credit hours
                                                                                                               Major Requirements                                        75  credit hours
                                                                                                               Open Electives                                            12  credit hours
        Introduction                                 Program Objectives
        The Bachelor of Science in Aviation program is offered by   The Bachelor of Aviation Science program is designed to   General Education Requirements                            33 Credit Hours
        the College of Engineering at Abu Dhabi University. The   provide students with the opportunity to learn relevant
        mission of the Aviation Program is to equip graduates with   aspects of aviation to pursue their professional careers                                                                  Credit
        the knowledge and skills to work in various sectors in the   within operational sectors of the aviation industry. These   Course Code  Course Title            Prerequisite(s)         Hours
        aviation industry. Aviation courses are delivered by faculty   could be:
        with international expertise and professional experience                                                 ARL 101(A)    Communication Skills in Arabic Lang.     No Prerequisite          3
        in aviation. The program includes practical exposure using   •   Airline Flight Operations.                                                            IELTS average score of 6 or EMSAT average
        own facilities such as flight training devices and various   •   Airport Operations - including safety and       ENG 200  English II                   score of 1400 or passing grade in ENG 102                              3
        simulation  platforms complemented by field visits to  the   security management.                                                                    FWS 100/USS001 as Co-req if placed in ENG 200
                                                     •   Ground support services.                                 FWS 100  Academic Skills for Success                  No Prerequisite          3
        To graduate with B.Sc. in Aviation, a student needs to
        successfully  complete 121  credit  hours of coursework in   •   Air Navigation Services.                 FWS 205  UAE and GCC Society                     ENG 102+ FWS 100 /USS001                                          3
        addition to an Internship (2 credit hours) and a Capstone   •   Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones).                                     FWS 100/USS001 (Co) if placed in ENG 200 directly
        Project (3 credit hours) for a total of 126 credit hours. The
        Program also suits students who want later on to pursue a   •   Operation of Space vehicle.               FWS 305  Technical Communication for Work Place  ENG 200 + Completion of 45 C. Hrs.  3
        career as airline pilot and joining a Flight School.
                                                     The growth in the Aviation Industry, both in the region and
                                                     internationally, drives the demand for skilled personnel     FWS 310  Fundamentals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship  ENG 200 + Completion of 60 C. Hrs.  3
                                                     and it is our aim to position our graduates as sought after
                                                     from employers in the Aviation Industry.                     GES 201  General Sciences                              ENG 102 (P)             3

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024                                              Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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