Page 109 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
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        Dr. Mohamed Elkaftangui       M. Arch. Alessandra Misuri     Computer Science &
        Associate  Professor of Architecture  OAPPC Member, Italy
        Ph.D. in Architecture         Lecturer of Architecture and Design   Information Technology
        School of Architecture of Toulouse,   Master of Architecture and Urban   Department
        France                        Design
        Tel #: +971 2 5015762         University of Florence, Italy  Prof. Adel Khelifi
        Email: mohamad.elkaftangui@adu.  Tel #: +971 3 7970835       Chair and Professor of Computer                         Email:  Science and Information Technology
                                                                     Ph.D. in Software Engineering
        Dr. Nadia Mounajjed           Ms. Feda Isam Abdul Hafiz      École de Technologie Supérieure –
        Associate Professor of Architecture  Instructor of Architecture   University of Quebec
        Ph.D in Architecture          B.Sc. in Architecture Engineering   Tel #: +971 2 5015733
        School of Architecture        Khartoum University, Sudan     Email:
        University of Sheffield, UK   M.Sc. in Engineering Project
        Tel #: +971 2 5015306         Management                     Prof. Mourad Elhadef
        Email:  Abu Dhabi University, UAE  Professor of Computer Science
                                      Tel #: +971 2 5015517          Ph.D. in Computer Science -
        Dr. Apostolos Kyriazis        Email:     Distributed Systems and Networking
        Associate Professor of Architecture                          Sherbrooke University, Canada
        and Urbanism                  Ms. Zeina Bashnak              Tel #: +971 2 5015639
        Ph.D. in Urban Design and Urban   Visiting Lecturer of Interior Design  Email:
        Regeneration                  MA of Interior Architecture and
        Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,   Decorative Arts      Dr. Farid Ibrahim
        Greece                        Lebanese University, Lebanon   Assistant Professor of Computer
        Tel #: +971 2 5015653         Tel #: +971 2 5015668          Science and Information Technology
        Email:   Email:  Ph.D. in Information Science
                                                                     Loughborough University, UK
        Dr. Ahmed El Shakhs           Ms. Ayah Hammash               Tel #: +971 3 7090833
        Assistant Professor of Interior Design   Teaching Assistant of Interior Design    Email:
        Ph.D. in Interior and Furniture Design  B.Sc. in Interior Design
        Hellwan University, Egypt     M.Sc. in Engineering Project   Dr. Modafar Ati
        Tel #:  +971 558230620        Management,                    Associate Professor of Computer
        Email :  Abu Dhabi University, UAE  Science and Information Technology
                                      Tel #: +971 2 5015359          Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer
        Dr. Mark Major                Email:   Engineering
        Associate Professor of Architecture                          University of Newcastle, UK
        and Urban Design              Ms. Aya Dibaje                 Tel #: +971  2 501 5355
        Ph.D. in Architecture and Urban   Teaching Assistant of Architecture   Email:
        Design                        and Interior Design
        The Bartlett School of        Bachelor of Architecture       Dr. Abid Mehmood
        Architecture and Planning,                            M.Sc. of Sustainable Architecture  Assistant Professor of Computer
        University College London, UK  Abu Dhabi University, UAE     Science and Information Technology
        Tel#: +971 50 163 1836        Tel #: +971 2 5015991          PhD. in Computer Science
        Email:   Email:    Deakin University, Australia
                                                                     Tel # +971 2 5015785
        Dr. Ali Elamaireh             Mr. Ahmed Al Awawda            Email:
        Visiting Associate Professor of         Teaching Assistant of Architecture
        Interior Design               B.Sc. in Architecture          Dr. Murad Al-Rajab
        Ph.D. in Interior Design             M.Sc. of Sustainable Architecture  Assistant Professor of Computer
        University   of Glasgow, Scotland, UK   Abu Dhabi University, UAE  Science and Information Technology
        Tel#: +971 50 484 5594        Email:   Ph.D. in Computer Science
        Email:                               University of Huddersfield, UK
                                                                     Tel # +971 2 5015688

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