Page 60 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 60
4.5.1 Online time-controlled quizzes, with multiple choice 5.3 Each reported case of AI violation undergoes a
and/or open-ended questions: conducted in a specific thorough adjudication process which involves seven stages
session and for a specific duration, students must complete as outlined below:
within the assigned time.
5.3.1 Receiving reports of the violation/s and requesting
4.5.2 On-line group work, discussions and assignments supporting documentation;
leading to the submission of a group report by the end of
the session. 5.3.2 Collecting and analyzing the evidence by reviewing
the Respondus Lockdown Video;
4.5.3 Individual or group projects, assignments and other
tasks to be submitted at a specific date via appropriate 5.3.3 Holding a discovery phase meeting with the student;
platform. 5.3.4 Holding the first committee meeting to evaluate the
4.5.4 Simulations, practical session, and/or recorded evidence and reach a decision;
experimentation. 5.3.5 Holding appeal committee meeting, where applicable,
5. GUIDELINES FOR ACADEMIC INTEGRITY – OFFICE OF to reevaluate the evidence and review the decision of the
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY (OAI) first committee;
5.1 At the beginning of each semester, the Office of 5.3.6 Submitting certain cases to Senior Management for
Academic Integrity (OAI) undertakes a comprehensive and special considerations, when applicable; and
detailed multi-layer awareness campaign at all campuses 5.3.7 Conducting all the necessary communications to the
of ADU. The OAI is responsible for: concerned parties.
5.1.1 Providing all faculty and staff members with the Exceptions
relevant information and providing a discussion of the
Academic Integrity (AI) Guidelines through the Distance For any conditions/circumstances and/or exceptions
Learning Process in their classes. outside the conditions stated in this procedure, a request
shall be presented to either Vice Chancellor or Provost for
5.1.2 Providing all students with relevant information on the treatment. Either one will advise on what level of approval
AI Guidelines through Distance Learning Process including is required based on the risk involved in approving
highlights of steps to avoid AI violations. the exception. The highest authority to address major
5.1.3 Offering AI Information Sessions to all faculty exceptions is the Chancellor whom will be recommended
members. The Information Sessions primarily concern AI by the Vice Chancellor or Provost depending on the nature
violations, use of Respondus Lockdown Browser in exams of the procedure
to deter and control cheating, and use of Turnitin software
to deter and control plagiarism. Examination Rules and
5.1.4 Providing AI video orientation in both English and Regulations
Arabic languages to all sections of courses taught by the
CAS, with the objective of informing the new students. 1. Final Examinations for all students will be held as
The AI videos focus on educating new students about AI stipulated in the Academic Calendar;
guidelines and providing information about different AI
violations and how to avoid them. 2. Only students registered for a particular course will
be admitted into the room for the respective final
5.2 In preparation for final examinations, the following examination. Students who have exceeded the 30%
initiatives are taken to prevent and deter AI violations: absence rule, or who have not paid their tuition/fees,
(*ADU uses the software Respondus Lockdown Browser or who have been suspended or dismissed from
through Blackboard to provide camera-proctored exams): the University will not be allowed to sit for their final
5.2.1 Sending emails in English and Arabic languages to examinations,
all ADU faculty and staff regarding final examinations and
related issues, including highlights of the most important 3. Faculty may examine students using written, practical,
topics relevant to the final exams and the ways to prevent/ or oral tests, by continuous assessment, or by any
deter violations of AI guidelines during the distance combination of these,
learning process. 4. Students who wish to appeal against examination
5.2.2 Sending emails in English and Arabic languages to all result(s) must follow the grade appeal procedure at the
students explaining rules related to the final examinations Office of the Registrar;
guidelines and delineating their responsibilities.
Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025