Page 49 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 49
c. Academic suspension, including but not limited to, Credits Earned at other
failure to attain or maintain a required grade point
average (GPA) of 3.0 after being placed on Academic Academic Institutions
Continuing Abu Dhabi University students in good
d. Disciplinary suspension for having been in violation of academic standing who wish to enroll in courses at other
the Student Code of Conduct, institutions where the credit earned will be used to fulfill
degree requirements at Abu Dhabi University must satisfy
e. Disruptive behavior determined by a faculty one of the following conditions that delay the student’s
member, College Dean or Registrar (and if required, graduation:
a disciplinary committee) if found to be detrimental
to the progress of the course and the education of 1. The course is not offered in the current semester and
students, not taking it, will delay the graduation;
f. Exceeding the allowable number of absences from a 2. The course is offered but conflicts with another
course for a given semester, required course.
The course to be taken outside Abu Dhabi University has
g. Exceeding the allowable number of credit courses to be equivalent to an ADU course, as defined in the credit
stipulated on course load policy. transfer policy. The respective College advisor will evaluate
the student’s request against the above conditions. If a
Withdrawal from the University student meets the conditions specified above and are in
compliance with the university’s residency requirements,
Students who wish to leave Abu Dhabi University before his/her request will be forwarded to the College Dean
graduation must complete a University Withdrawal along with all supporting documents. If approved, the
Application Form obtainable from the university website Office of the Registrar will issue a Letter of Approval to the
and from the Office of the Registrar. Official withdrawal will other academic institution.
be granted after completion of the clearance procedure.
A “W” grade will appear against all courses taken by the Graduation Requirements
student on the semester he/she withdraws from Abu Dhabi Postgraduate students must successfully complete all
University. course requirements, as well as other academic activities
assigned to their specialized study plan. The CGPA of each
Student Record Confidentiality postgraduate student must be at least 3.0 out of 4.0.
Students must complete the Application for Graduation
The Student record is defined as any paper base or online Form online no later than the end of the second week of
documentation that contains information directly related the semester (first week in case of Summer/Winter term)
to the student, such as academic evaluations, transcripts, in order to be eligible for graduation at the end of that
test scores and other academic records, counseling and semester.
advising records, disciplinary records, and financial aid
records. Academic and non-academic student’s information
is confidential and is protected against release to anyone Applying for Graduation
except the student, the guardian, the sponsor and/or
otherwise specified by the Student Release of Information Postgraduate students graduating from Abu Dhabi
Form. University must officially file an application for graduation
at the beginning of the semester in which they plan to
graduate. The Office of the Registrar does not initiate
Student Archives the diploma preparation until a student officially files for
The final course result at the end of the semester will remain graduation.
in Abu Dhabi University records in perpetuity. The Office of
Registrar will be responsible for maintaining appropriate NOTE:
storage. Deans, Chairs of Departments and faculty will have
read-only access to these records. Students must complete all requirements toward their
Back up files will be updated regularly, with another set of degree in the semester they intend to graduate, or their
files stored in an external and secure location in fire proof graduation application will be disapproved.
cabinets. Students wishing to graduate in the current semester, who
Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025