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        Faculty Research/


        1.  Sumira Malik Jutishna Bora, Sagnik Nag,Sweta Sinha ,Sagar Mondal, Sarvesh Rustagi ,Najwane Said Sadier             19. Ghulam SG, Abushammala H. Challenges and Opportunities in the Management of Electronic Waste and its
           and Abdulmajeed G. Almutary Fungal-Based Remediation in the Treatment of Anthropogenic Activities                      Impact on Human Health and Environment. Sustainability, 2023; 15(3): 1837.
           and Pharmaceutical-Pollutant-Contaminated Wastewater. Water 2023, 15(12), 2262;            20. Hassan, A. (2023). A Model Emphasizing Project Managers’ Competencies Influencing the Success of SD
           w15122262 Q1                                                                                                           Projects. Journal of Human Resources and Sustainability Studies, 11 (1), pp. & DOI TBA (being processed,
        2.  Plabita Sahariah , Jutishna Bora , Sumira Malik , Donkupar Syiem , Surya Bhan , Arif Hussain , Najwane Said           complete reference to be provided by the middle of March 2023).
           Sadier , Sarvesh Rustagi , Shafiul Haque, Nitesh Singh , Abdulmajeed G Almutary. Therapeutic Potential of           21. Hassan, A. (2023). Personality Traits and Sustainable Development Projects: A Literature Review of the
           Dillenia indica L. in Attenuating Hyperglycemia-Induced Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Alloxan-Administered         Conceptual Framework for Project Managers. Journal of Human Resources and Sustainability Studies, 11 (1),
           Diabetic Mice. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed)2023 May 26;28(5):105.doi: 10.31083/j.fbl2805105. Q1                          pp. & DOI TBA (being processed, complete reference to be provided by the middle of March 2023).
        3.  Said-Sadier N, El Sayegh B, Farah R, Dweik R, Abou Abbas L, Ojcius D. Association between Periodontal              22. Hassan, I. F., Ajaj, R., Gaballah, M. S., Ogbaga, C. C., Kalaji, H. M., Hatterman-Valenti, H. M., & Alam-Eldein,
           Diseases and Risk of Dementia in Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Mar 7;20(6):4707. doi: 10.3390/         S. M. (2022). Foliar application of nano-silicon improves the physiological and biochemical characteristics of
           ijerph2006470. 7. Q1                                                                                                   ‘Kalamata’olive subjected to deficit irrigation in a semi-arid climate. Plants, 11(12), 1561.
        4.  Malak Bleibel , Ali El Cheikh , Najwane Said Sadier, Linda Abou-Abbas. The effect of music therapy on cognitive    23. Marzook H, Gupta A, Saleh MA, Patil K, Semreen MH, Hamoudi R, Soares NC, Qaisar R, Ahmad F. Nicotinamide
           functions in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Alzheimer’s       riboside kinase-2 is essential for metabolic adaptation in the ischemic heart. J Mol Med 2023: in press
           Research & Therapy. 2023 Mar 27;15(1):65.  doi: 10.1186/s13195-023-01214-9. Q1                                      24. Nermin Eissa, Karthikkumar Venkatachalam, Petrilla Jayaprakash, Priya Yuvaraju, Markus Falkenstein, Holger
        5.  Boutros CF, Khazaal W, Taliani M, Sadier NS, Salameh P, Hosseini H. Factors associated with cognitive impairment      Stark, Bassem Sadek (2022). Experimental Studies Indicate That ST-2223, the Antagonist of Histamine H3
           at 3, 6, and 12 months after the first stroke among Lebanese survivors. Brain Behav. 2023 Jan;13(1):e2837. doi:        and Dopamine D2/D3 Receptors, Restores Social Deficits and Neurotransmission Dysregulation in Mouse.
           10.1002/brb3.2837. Epub 2022 Dec 10. PMID: 36495111; PMCID: PMC9847618. Q3                                             Pharmaceuticals, (Pharmacology & Pharmacy), 2022, 15, 929. Q1, IF: 5.125
        6.  Celina F Boutros, Walaa Khazaal , Maram Taliani , Najwane Said Sadier , Pascale Salameh , Hassan Hosseini
           One-year recurrence of stroke and death in Lebanese survivors of first-ever stroke: Time-to-Event analysis.
           Front Neurol 2022 Nov 14;13:973200. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.973200. eCollection 2022. Q2
        7.  Abushammala H. Novel Electrically-Conductive Cellulose Nanocrystals with a Core-Shell Nanostructure
           towards Biodegradable Electronics. Nanomaterials, 2023; 13(4); 766.                                                 End of Year College Photo
        8.  Abushammala H, Ghulam SG. Impact of UAE Residents’ Demographics on their Knowledge, Attitudes, and
           Practices  towards  Waste  Management  at the Household Level. Sustainability,  2022;  15(1): 685.
        9.  Abushammala H, Mao J. Waste Iron Filings to Improve the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Glass Fiber-
           reinforced Epoxy (GFRE) Composites. Journal of Composites Science, 2023; 7(2); 88.
        10. Abushammala H, Masood MA, Ghulam SG, Mao J. On the Conversion of Paper Waste and Reject into High-
           value  Materials and Energy. Sustainability,  2023;  Accepted.
        11. Ahmad F, Karim A, Khan J, Qaisar R. Plasma Galectin-3 and H-FABP correlate with poor physical performance
           in patients with congestive heart failure. Exp Biol Med 2023: in press
        12. AJAJHussain, N., Sohail, Y., Shakeel, N., Javed, M., Bano, H., Gul, H. S., ... & Ajaj, R. (2022). Role of mineral
           nutrients, antioxidants, osmotic adjustment and PSII stability in salt tolerance of contrasting wheat genotypes.
           Scientific Reports, 12(1), 12677.
        13. Akoury, E., Mansour, N., Abdul Reda, G., Dimassi, H., Karam, L., Alwan, N., & Hassan, H. (2023). Toxic metals
           in packed rice: Effects of size, type, origin, packing season, and storage duration. Journal of Food Composition
           and Analysis 115, 104920.
        14. Alwan, N., Bou Ghanem, H., Dimassi, H., Karam, L., & Hassan, H.F. (2022). Exposure Assessment of Aflatoxin
           B1 through Consumption of Rice in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Environmental Research
           and Public Health. 19(22), 15000.
        15. Hassan, H., Abou Ghaida, A., Charara, A., Dimassi, H.,  Faour, H., Nahouli, R., Karam, L., & Alwan, N. (2022).
           Exposure to Ochratoxin A from Rice Consumption in Lebanon and United Arab Emirates: a Comparative
           Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, 11074.
        16. Ashekyan, O., Abdallah, S., Shoukari, A.A., Chamandi, G., Choubassy, H., Itani,  A.R.S., Alwan, N., & Nasr, R (2022).
           Spotlight on Exosomal Non-Coding RNAs in Breast Cancer: An In Silico Analysis to Identify Potential lncRNA/
           circRNA-miRNA-Target Axis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(15), 8351.
        17. Bechmann N, Maccio U, Kotb R, Dweik RA, Cherfane M, Moch H, Bornstein SR, Varga Z. COVID-19 Infections in
           Gonads: Consequences on Fertility? Horm Metab Res. 2022 Aug;54(8):549-555. doi: 10.1055/a-1891-6621. Epub
           2022 Jul 19.
        18. Eissa N, Al Awad M, Venkatachalam K, Jayaprakash P, Thomas SD, Zhong S, Stark H, Sadek B (2023) Multiple
           H3R/D2R/D3R antagonism mitigates autism-like self-grooming and aggressive behaviors by inhibiting P38
           MAPK activation in mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(1), 526. Q1, IF: 6.208

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 3              2022-2023 Academic Year        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 3               2022-2023 Academic Year
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