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        Welcome Note from                                                                                                      Editorial Board

        the Editoral Board                                                                                                     Members

        Dear Readers and Friends of the College,

        Welcome to the Abu Dhabi University College of Health Sciences E-Magazine!

        On behalf of the Editoral Board, we are thrilled to present you with the third edition of our e-magazine, showcasing
        the remarkable achievements and advancements within our esteemed institution and college, and is the
        publication of the Media and Communication Committee of the college. This issue presents our newly built state-
        of-the art labs, our emphasis on experiential education, community outreach and awareness events, sustainability
        activities, student achievements, faculty conferences and research and faculty/staff awards. This issue serves as
        a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and the pursuit of knowledge in the field
        of health sciences.

        First and foremost, we are excited to announce the inauguration of our state-of-the-art lab facilities. These cutting-
        edge laboratories provide our students with a dynamic and immersive learning environment, where they can
        apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. With these new facilities, we aim to enhance the hands-on
        experiences of our students and prepare them for the challenges they may encounter in their professional careers,            Ms. Dima El-Halabi                   Dr. Joanne Sadier                      Dr. Rahaf Ajaj
        as well as serve as foundation for research projects and collaborations. At the Abu Dhabi University College of                    (Chair)                            (Member)                             (Member)
        Health Sciences, we strongly believe in the power of experiential education. Through internships, clinical rotations,
        field trips and field placements, our students gain invaluable real-world experiences, enabling them to develop
        the skills necessary to excel in their chosen fields. We take immense pride in fostering a learning environment
        that goes beyond textbooks, encouraging our students to actively engage with patients, healthcare professionals,
        and the wider community. Sustainability is a core value at our institution, and we are actively engaged in various
        activities  to  promote  environmental  consciousness.  From  creating  awareness  on  energy-saving  measures  to
        promoting recycling initiatives, we strive to create a greener mindset. Our commitment to sustainability extends
        beyond our walls, as we actively collaborate with local organizations and participate in community-based projects
        focused on environmental preservation and health promotion.

        Furthermore, we are proud to highlight our affiliations with renowned healthcare institutions and organizations.
        These partnerships provide our students and faculty with unique opportunities for collaboration, research, and
        professional development. By leveraging these affiliations, we ensure that our programs and curricula remain
        at the forefront of healthcare advancements, enabling us to produce competent and globally competitive
        graduates. In addition to these achievements, our faculty members continue to make significant contributions to
        the healthcare field through their research, publications, and expertise. We are delighted to provide a platform for
        our esteemed faculty to engage in meaningful discussions and knowledge-sharing through faculty forums. These                                    Ms. Mahra Al-Ali                  Dr. Afaf Kamal Hassan
        forums serve as vibrant spaces where ideas are exchanged, collaborations are formed, and innovative solutions                                       (Member)                             (Member)
        to complex healthcare challenges are explored.

        Finally, we take immense pride in recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of our faculty members and               Contributors
        students. Our magazine will feature the well-deserved recognition of our exemplary faculty through various
        awards and accolades. Their dedication to teaching, research, and service is an inspiration to us all, and we
        applaud their unwavering commitment to advancing the frontiers of healthcare. We hope that this edition of             We would like to acknowledge the contributions of our college faculty, staff, and students.
        the Abu Dhabi University College of Health Sciences Magazine captivates and informs you, providing a glimpse
        into the transformative work being carried out within our institution. We extend our deepest gratitude to our
        students, faculty, staff, and the broader community for their unwavering support and contributions.

        Enjoy reading and exploring the remarkable journey of Abu Dhabi University College of Health Sciences!

        Letters to the Editorial Board, comments, and requests should be kindly addressed to:
        Ms. Dima El-Halabi                                                                                                                           A heartfelt thank you to Mr. Feras Al Astal, Marketing and Communication
        Chair, Media and Communication Committee                                                                                                     Department, for his exceptional creativity and dedication in designing our                                                                                                                     college magazine.

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 3              2022-2023 Academic Year        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 3               2022-2023 Academic Year
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