Page 18 - ASC Highlights 2023
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        Give Up!

        Amidst the challenges of university life, it’s vital not to give up. Every obstacle is an opportunity for personal
        growth. Believe in your potential and keep pushing forward with determination. Despite feeling discouraged
        or overwhelmed, reconnect with your motivations. Visualize long-term goals to fuel your persistence. Setbacks
        and failures are part of the journey—embrace them as steppingstones to success. Learn, adapt, and persevere.
        Success may not come easily, but by staying resilient, you’ll achieve the desired outcomes.

        Key factors to remember for success and well-being during your university journey:

        • Take it one step at a time:
        Break tasks into manageable chunks and celebrate small victories along the way.

                               • Progress is progress:
                               Remember that even small steps forward are meaningful and should be acknowledged.

        • Seek support when needed:
        Don’t hesitate to reach out to professors, campus resources, and
        the ASC (Academic Support Center) for guidance and assistance.

        • Surround yourself with positive influences:
        Surround yourself with supportive individuals who uplift and motivate you.

        References:                             Tasneem Nasri – 1079551                                    Course Assistant

        Abu Dhabi University | ASC Highlights 2023                                                       Spring 22-23
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