Page 3 - ASC Newsletter - Spring 2021-22
P. 3


     Finally, we pay tribute to our                           We       also       have         a     welcome

     very own Ms. Beena, who will                             message for all our new Course

     be       leaving        ADU        after       15        Assistants, Peer Tutors and Peer

     awesome years.                  Most of us               Mentors – stay and make this

     know Ms. Beena, who has                                  your          home.            Bring           your

     built, nurtured, guided and                              knowledge,            your       skills,       your

     championed the work of the                               positivity            to        help           your

     ASC        for       the       past        many          peers. We hope you will enjoy

     years. Her steady leadership,                            serving with us.

     her deep desire to ensure

     students            found           academic             To all our friends and supporters,

     support, and her dedication to                           we say, thank you, Chill and

     the       ASC       have        been        truly        enjoy the summer.

     outstanding. We thank you for

     all you have done for the ASC,

     and you should leave with the                            Your ASC Coordinators,

     knowledge             that       you        have         Deenaz Kanji (AA Campus) and

     provided solid foundations for                           Duha Lababidi (AD Campus)

     future growth.
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